世界品牌实验室发布2024年世界品牌500强 |
苹果、微软、亚马逊排前三,美国入选最多,中国超越日本,稳居全球第三 |
World Brand Lab Releases '2024 World's 500 Most Influential Brands' |
Apple, Microsoft, and Amazon claimed the top three slots. The US has the most representation, while China surpasses Japan and firmly holds the third position. |
由世界品牌实验室(World Brand Lab)独家编制的2024年度(第二十一届)《世界品牌500强》排行榜于12月12日在美国纽约揭晓。去年排名第二的苹果(Apple)击败微软(Microsoft)位列第一;微软(Microsoft)退居第二;亚马逊(Amazon)名列第三。美国占据500强中的187席,稳居品牌大国第一。法国、中国、日本和英国为世界品牌大国的第二阵营。中国品牌入选数(50个)超越日本(42个),稳居全球第三。其中表现亮眼的品牌有国家电网、腾讯、海尔、华润、中国人寿、五粮液、中国南方电网、保利、中国国航、中国华电、青岛啤酒、中化、北大荒、长虹、恒力、通威、徐工、盛虹和波司登。 |
The 21st edition of the list of the World's 500 Most Influential Brands, exclusively compiled by World Brand Lab, was unveiled on December 12 in New York, US. Apple, which ranked second last year, surpassed Microsoft to take the top spot. Microsoft moved to second place, while Amazon ranked third. The United States dominated the list with 187 entries, maintaining its position as the leading brand powerhouse. France, China, Japan, and the UK formed the second tier of global brand powerhouses. China, with 50 entries, surpassed Japan’s 42, firmly securing the third position. Outstanding Chinese brands included STATE GRID, Tencent, Haier, China Resources, CHINA LIFE, WULIANGYE, CHINA SOUTHERN POWER GRID, POLY, AIR CHINA, CHINA HUADIAN, TSINGTAO, Sinochem, BEIDAHUANG, CHANGHONG, HENGLI, TONGWEI, XCMG, SHENGHONG and BOSIDENG. |
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《世界品牌500强》(The World's 500 Most Influential Brands)的评判依据是品牌的世界影响力。所谓品牌影响力(Brand Influence),是指品牌开拓市场、占领市场并获得利润的能力。按照品牌影响力的三项关键指标,即市场占有率(Market Share)、品牌忠诚度(Brand Loyalty)和全球领导力(Global Leadership),世界品牌实验室对全球约8000多个知名品牌进行了综合评分,最终推出了世界最具影响力的500个品牌。在衡量品牌的忠诚度时,参考了我信品牌(iTrust Rating)的评级数据;在衡量品牌的领导力特别是ESG(环境、社会和治理)评分时,参考了超级财经(SuperFinance)的ESG数据库。 |
The World's 500 Most Influential Brands is judged on the basis of a brand's global influence. Brand influence refers to a brand's ability to develop and capture markets and make profits. Based on three key indicators of brand influence, namely market share, brand loyalty and global leadership, World Brand Lab tracked more than 8,000 leading brands around the globe to pioneer the World's 500 Most Influential Brands list. For assessing brand loyalty, data from iTrust Rating were referenced, and when gauging brand leadership, particularly ESG performance, SuperFinance's ESG database was consulted. |
世界品牌实验室学术委员会主席、牛津大学营销学名誉教授斯蒂芬·沃格(Prof. Steve WOOLGAR)指出,世界品牌实验室编制世界品牌报告已是第21个年头,2024年入选的国家总数为32个。从品牌数量的国家分布看,美国占据500强中的187席,依然以较大优势占据并保持世界品牌第一强国位置;法国、中国、日本和英国分别有52个、50个、42个和35个品牌上榜,是世界品牌大国的第二阵营;德国、瑞士和意大利是品牌大国的第三阵营,分别有27个、17个和16个品牌入选。由此可见,欧洲虽然仍在地缘政治冲突和经济艰难复苏的夹缝中磨炼韧性,但欧洲国家的超级品牌依然坚挺。不过,受困于全球经济的疲弱与地缘局势的紧张,跨国品牌大多面临多重压力,发展难度进一步加大。 |
Dr. Steve Woolgar, Chairman of the World Brand Lab academic committee and Emeritus Professor of Marketing at the University of Oxford, noted that the World Brand Lab has been compiling the World Brand Report for 21 years. In 2024, a total of 32 countries are represented on the list. In terms of national distribution, the United States dominates with 187 brands, maintaining its position as the world’s leading brand powerhouse by a significant margin. France, China, Japan, and the United Kingdom form the second tier of brand powerhouses, with 52, 50, 42, and 35 brands on the list, respectively. Germany, Switzerland, and Italy form the third tier, with 27, 17, and 16 brands included. This demonstrates that while Europe continues to navigate the challenges of geopolitical conflicts and a slow economic recovery, its superbrands remain resilient. However, due to the weakened global economy and heightened geopolitical tensions, multinational brands are under increasing pressure, making growth even more challenging. |
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世界品牌实验室和超级财经(SuperFinance)的联合团队实证研究发现,跨国品牌逐渐感受到全球化带来的这些相关压力,品牌扩张策略需要向多元本地化转移,并以提升品牌的ESG(环境、社会和治理)绩效为捷径,因为品牌价值和ESG绩效的关联性愈来愈强。今年《世界品牌500强》共覆盖了49个行业。其中,食品与饮料共有33个品牌上榜,排名第一;汽车与零件共有32个品牌上榜,位居第二;能源行业今年有29个品牌上榜,位列第三;零售有28个品牌上榜,排名第四;互联网行业有25个品牌上榜,位列第五。其他入选数量排名靠前的行业还有银行(24个)、计算机与通讯(24个)、传媒(24个)、保险(23个)和电信(22个)。随着人工智能时代的到来,和AI相关的科技品牌将迎来爆发式的增长,而餐饮、传媒、奢侈品、纺织服装以及传统汽车制造业的排名出现整体下滑。 |
The empirical research conducted by the joint team of World Brand Lab and SuperFinance reveals that multinational brands are increasingly feeling the pressures associated with globalization. To adapt, brand expansion strategies need to shift towards diversified localization, with improving ESG performance emerging as a key pathway. This is because the correlation between brand value and ESG performance is becoming increasingly significant. The 2024 list spans 49 industries. Among them, the Food and Beverage sector leads with 33 brands, ranking first. The Automobiles sector follows closely with 32 brands in second place. The Energy sector secured third place with 29 brands, while Retail ranked fourth with 28 brands. The Internet sector completes the top five with 25 brands. Other industries with significant representation include Banking (24 brands), Computers and Communications (24), Media (24), Insurance (23), and Telecommunications (22). As the age of artificial intelligence advances, AI-related technology brands are poised for exponential growth. However, industries such as dining, media, luxury goods, textiles & apparel, and traditional automobile manufacturing are experiencing an overall decline in rankings. |
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今年新上榜的品牌总计21个。新上榜的品牌中,排名最高的为中国五矿(MINMETALS),位于总榜190名。该品牌作为中国最大的金属矿产企业之一,在国内市场占据重要地位,并在全球范围内积极拓展海外业务。印度的信实工业(Reliance Industries)、韩国的酷澎(Coupang)、美国的ServiceNow等品牌也榜上有名。中国(含港澳台)新上榜4个品牌,除了中国五矿(MINMETALS),还有亨通(HENGTONG)、江铜(JIANGXI COPPER)以及协鑫(GCL)。2024年的落榜品牌中包含了一些出现严重亏损、产品被召回、股价下跌的品牌,如瑞典的伊莱克斯(Electrolux)、日本的夏普(Sharp)等。此外,还有一些品牌因业绩较差、发展不及预期等因素落榜,例如法国的菲纳逖斯(Finatis)、美国的奥美(Ogilvy)等。 |
This year's list features a total of 21 new brands. Among them, the highest-ranking newcomer is MINMETALS, positioned at 190th. As one of China's largest metal and mineral enterprises, MINMETALS holds a significant position in the domestic market and is actively expanding its global footprint. Other notable new entrants include India's Reliance Industries, South Korea's Coupang, and the U.S.-based ServiceNow. China (including Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan) contributed four new entries: MINMETALS, HENGTONG, JIANGXI COPPER and GCL. On the other hand, several brands dropped out of the rankings in 2024. These include companies facing significant losses, product recalls, or declining stock prices, such as Sweden's Electrolux and Japan's Sharp. Other brands, like France's Finatis and the U.S.'s Ogilvy, failed to meet expectations or underperformed, leading to their exclusion from the list. |
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2024年度《世界品牌500强》的平均年龄为99.06岁,相比去年的98.57岁有所增加。其中100岁及以上的“百年老牌”多达225个,占比超过4成。法国的老牌公司圣戈班Saint-Gobain(359岁)是企业界拥有最长历史的品牌,英杰华(AVIVA)、茅台(Moutai)位列品牌年龄二三位,均有超过300年的悠久历史。中国入选的50个品牌中只有茅台(Moutai)、青岛啤酒(TSINGTAO)、五粮液(WULIANGYE)、中国银行(Bank of China)、友邦保险(AIA)超越百龄。依行业来看,食品与饮料类品牌最古老,33个品牌中有29个品牌超过了百岁。 |
The average age of the brands listed is 99.06 years, slightly up from 98.57 last year. Among them, 225 "century-old brands" account for over 40% of the list. France's Saint-Gobain, with a history of 359 years, is the oldest brand, followed by Aviva and Moutai, both exceeding 300 years. Of China’s 50 entries, only five—MOUTAI, TSINGTAO, WULIANGYE, BANK OF CHINA and AIA—are over a century old. By industry, the Food & Beverage sector stands out as the oldest, with 29 out of 33 brands surpassing the 100-year mark. |
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即将于12月18日在香港举行的世界经理人峰会暨世界品牌500强发布会的主题是“品牌全球化:驾驭技术革命、文化冲突和地缘政治竞争”。即将出席峰会的哈佛大学(Harvard)商学院工商管理荣誉教授约翰·戴腾(Prof. John DEIGHTON)认为,“代码即控制”是指企业战略和公共政策将以数字规则的形式嵌入代码中的方式。在当今地缘政治紧张局势加剧的环境中,品牌可以利用技术创新来获得竞争优势。通过了解地缘政治风险、采用先进技术、建立战略联盟以及通过投资促进创新,品牌可以有效地应对全球地缘政治竞争的复杂性。这些战略不仅将增强他们的运营弹性,还将加强他们在国际市场上的品牌影响力。 |
The topic of this year's World Executive Summit is "The Globalization of Brands: Navigating Technological Revolutions, Cultural Conflicts, and Geopolitical Competition." Dr. John Deighton, Emeritus Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School, indicated that 'code as control' refers to the way in which corporate strategy and public policy will be embedded in code, manifested as digital rules. In today's environment of heightened geopolitical tensions, brands can leverage technological innovation to gain a competitive edge. By understanding geopolitical risks, embracing advanced technologies, building strategic alliances, and fostering innovation through investment, brands can effectively navigate the complexities of global geopolitical competition. These strategies will not only enhance their operational resilience but also strengthen their brand presence in the international market. |
全球供应链流程中的数字孪生技术,通过提高运营效率、响应能力、透明度和弹性,在塑造全球品牌方面发挥着至关重要的作用。麻省理工学院(MIT)数字供应链转型实验室主任玛丽亚·赫苏斯·萨恩斯教授(Prof. Maria Jesus SAENZ)认为,在供应链流程中实施数字孪生带来的机遇是巨大的,尤其是当它们端到端扩展时。世界品牌实验室的一项新研究发现,随着公司利用数字孪生,他们不仅优化了供应链,还加强了在全球市场上的品牌影响力。特别是,能够通过数字孪生模型展示道德采购和可持续发展实践的全球品牌,可以提升其品牌形象,并吸引有社会意识的消费者。 |
Digital twins in supply chain processes play a crucial role in shaping global branding by enhancing operational efficiency, responsiveness, transparency, and resilience. Dr. Maria Jesus Saenz, the Director of the Digital Supply Chain Transformation Lab at MIT, argued that the opportunities presented by the implementation of digital twins in supply chain processes are tremendous, especially when they expand end-to-end. A new study by the World Brand Lab found that as companies leverage digital twins, they not only optimize their supply chains but also strengthen their brand presence in the global market. In particular, global brands that can demonstrate ethical sourcing and sustainability practices through their digital twin models can enhance their brand image and appeal to socially conscious consumers. |
在地缘政治紧张局势加剧、技术革命和竞争加剧的时代,全球品牌面临着前所未有的挑战。欧洲工商管理学院(INSEAD)前学术院长、讲座教授齐夫·卡门(Prof. Ziv CARMON),研究了行为经济学、人工智能的应用,并结合现实世界的例子,说明了以客户为中心的实践是如何推动价值创造、建立弹性和维持竞争优势的。高管们必须探索品牌可以采取的策略,以提高吸引力、促进创新和应对新兴压力。此外,通过利用强大的情感故事,从销售产品或服务过渡到销售解决方案,并利用摩擦来改善用户体验,全球品牌可以创造与不同受众产生无缝、文化协调的共鸣与互动。 |
In an era defined by greater geopolitical tensions, technological revolutions, and intensified competition, global brands face unprecedented challenges. Dr. Ziv Carmon, Chaired Professor at INSEAD, examines behavioral economics, real-world examples, and applications of AI, illustrating how customer-centric practices drive value creation, build resilience, and sustain competitive advantage. Executives must explore select strategies that brands can adopt to enhance desirability, foster innovation, and respond to emerging pressures. Additionally, by utilizing powerful emotive stories, transitioning from selling products or services to selling solutions, and leveraging friction to improve user experiences, global brands can create seamless, culturally attuned interactions that resonate with diverse audiences. |
面对技术革命和地缘政治竞争,亚洲品牌如何表现出非凡的韧性和适应性?参加峰会的香港大学(HKU)经管学院营销学教授萨拉·金(Prof. Sara KIM)认为,亚洲品牌在复杂的全球环境中蓬勃发展有几个关键战略:了解地缘政治动态、培育创新文化、利用文化见解、拥抱数字创新和制定本地战略。例如,联合利华之前一直考虑,如何在亚洲细分市场超越其长期竞争对手宝洁公司。最后,在亚洲面临严重水资源短缺的国家,联合利华开发了一种新的洗衣粉,可以节省66%的用水量,并获得巨大成功。 |
How can Asian brands demonstrate extraordinary resilience and adaptability in the face of technological revolutions and geopolitical competition? Dr. Sara Kim, Professor of Marketing at the University of Hong Kong Business School, who will participate in the Summit, contends that there are several key strategies these brands employ to thrive in a complex global landscape: understanding geopolitical dynamics, fostering a culture of innovation, leveraging cultural insights, embracing digital innovation, and developing local strategies. For example, Unilever is considering how to outpace its long-term competitor Procter & Gamble in the Asian market segment. In countries facing severe water shortages in Asia, Unilever has developed a new laundry detergent that can save 66% of water usage. |
世界品牌实验室的年终报告显示,到2025年,全球品牌将面临经济不确定性、地缘政治紧张局势、数字化转型、可持续性和供应链中断等挑战。世界经理人集团和世界品牌实验室首席执行官、牛津大学博士丁海森强调,全球品牌可以通过利用竞争优势,驾驭地缘政治格局,进而扩大在新兴市场的影响力,优先创新和建立战略伙伴关系,在竞争中取得成功。自2003年以来,世界品牌实验室对60个国家的8万多个主要品牌进行了细致的监测。这家顶级品牌咨询公司最初由1999年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者罗伯特·蒙代尔教授担任主席,现在由世界经理人集团全资拥有。 |
Dr. Haisen Ding, CEO of the World Executive Group and the World Brand Lab, emphasizes that global brands can succeed in geopolitical competition by leveraging competitive advantages, navigating geopolitical landscapes, expanding influence in emerging markets, prioritizing innovation, and forming strategic partnerships. The year-end report from the World Brand Lab indicates that global brands in 2025 will face challenges such as economic uncertainty, geopolitical tensions, digital transformation, sustainability, and supply chain disruptions. Since 2003, the World Brand Lab has meticulously monitored over 80,000 major brands in 60 countries. Initially chaired by Professor Robert Mundell, the 1999 Nobel laureate in Economics, this premier brand consulting firm is now wholly owned by the World Executive Group. |
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编制说明: |
Notes: |
1.本排行由世界品牌实验室(World Brand Lab)独家编制,评判依据是品牌的世界影响力。品牌影响力的三项关键指标,即市场占有率(MarketShare)、品牌忠诚度(Brand Loyalty)和全球领导力(Global Leadership)。 |
1.This ranking list is exclusively compiled by World Brand Lab based on the global influence of brands and its three key indicators: Market Share, Brand Loyalty, and Global Leadership. |
2.合并后的联合品牌, 以合并前的品牌中的年长品牌为准,如路透社1850年成立,汤姆森集团 1953 成立,那么合并后的汤森路透的品牌年龄应从1850年算起。 |
2.The brand age of a joint brand after merger will be the age of the older one before the merger, for instance, Reuters was established in 1850 and Thomson Group was established in 1953, so the combined Thomson Reuters brand age should be from 1850 onwards. |
3.被跨国兼并的品牌,以被兼并前的诞生地所在国家为“品牌国籍”;设立多国总部的品牌,以诞生地所在国家为“品牌国籍”。 |
3. A multinational-merger brand is located in the country where the company was located before the merger; a brand with multinational headquarters is located in the country of origin. |
4.横跨多种行业的品牌,以收入最多的主营业务所在行业为准。 |
4.For a brand with variety of sub-sectors, sector category is selected based on the main business with most revenues. |
5.外国品牌的中文名称以中国大陆的约定俗成翻译为准,没有中文名称的外国品牌,世界品牌实验室将视情况进行翻译或不翻译。 |
5. The Chinese name of the foreign company is based on the translation in mainland China. The foreign brands without Chinese name shall be translated or untranslated according to specific situation. |