World Brand Lab Releases 'Asia's 500 Most Influential Brands of 2024'
Toyota, State Grid, and ICBC are listed as the top three; the national brand loyalty of China continues to grow

亚洲品牌大会于9月25日在香港召开。主办方世界品牌实验室(World Brand Lab)在会上发布了2024年(第十九届)《亚洲品牌500强》年度报告, 共有20个国家和地区的超级品牌入选。丰田、国家电网、中国工商银行名列前三,占据榜单前十名的还有海尔、本田、三星、索尼、中国人寿、三菱金融和华为。中国、日本和韩国是入选品牌最多的三个国家。牛津大学赛德商学院营销学荣誉教授斯蒂芬?沃格(Prof. Steve WOOLGAR)、剑桥大学制造业研究院教授斯蒂芬·埃文斯(Prof. Steve EVANS)、香港大学经管学院营销学教授萨拉?金(Prof. Sara KIM)、台湾辅仁大学营销学讲座教授王婧(Prof. Jane WANG)等出席发布会并发表了主题演讲。[见附表一]


The "Asia Brand Summit" was held in Hong Kong on September 25 by the World Brand Lab. The "Asia's 500 Most Influential Brands of 2024" list was released at the summit, with top brands from 20 countries and regions making the list. Toyota, State Grid, and ICBC are listed as the top three influencers. Haier, Honda, Samsung, Sony, China Life, MUFG and Huawei are also listed in the top ten. China, Japan, and South Korea are the three countries with the most selected brands. Steve Woolgar, Emeritus Professor of Marketing at Sa?d Business School at University of Oxford, Steve Evans, professor at the Institute for Manufacturing at University of Cambridge, Sara Kim, marketing professor at University of Hong Kong, Jane Wang, chair professor of Marketing at Fu Jen Catholic University, participated in the conference and delivered keynote speeches.


《亚洲品牌500强》(The Asia's 500 Most Influential Brands)的评判标准是品牌的亚洲影响力。世界品牌实验室学术委员会主席、牛津大学教授斯蒂芬·沃格(Prof. Steve WOOLGAR)分析,评价亚洲品牌影响力( Asian Brand Influence)的基本指标包括市场占有率(Market Share)、品牌忠诚度(Brand Loyalty)和亚洲领导力(Asian Leadership)。其中,衡量品牌忠诚度以我信品牌(iTrust Rating)的评级数据为参考,衡量亚洲领导力特别是ESG评分时,以超级财经(Super Finance)的ESG数据库为参考。此次亚洲品牌500强共有20个国家和地区的品牌入选,中国(包含港澳台)入选的品牌共计219个,占整个亚洲品牌500强的43.80%,位居第一,其中中国大陆入榜品牌有178个;日本有128个品牌入选,位居第二;位居第三的是韩国,入选46个品牌。沃格教授认为,亚洲拥有48.6亿人口,约占世界人口的60%。在亚洲市场,外国品牌投资中国比投资印度能获得更多的回报,因为中国拥有更为强大的基础设施、庞大的中产阶层以及完善的供应链系统。[见附表二]


The selection criterion is the brand's Asian influence. Steve Woolgar, Chairman of the World Brand Lab Academic Committee and marketing professor at University of Oxford, concludes that the indicators used by World Brand Lab to evaluate the influence of Asian brands include market share, brand loyalty, and Asian leadership. Among them, the brand loyalty is measured using the rating data from iTrust Rating, and Asian leadership, especially ESG scores, is referenced from Super Finance's ESG database. The 2024 list includes brands selected from 20 countries and regions. China (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) has 219 brands, accounting for 43.80% of the entire list, ranking first among all countries; of these, 178 brands were from mainland China. Japan ranked second with 128 brands, while South Korea ranked third with 46 brands. Professor Woolgar believes that Asian market has great growth potential because Asia has a population of 4.86 billion, accounting for approximately 60% of the world's population. In the Asian market, foreign brands investing in China can gain more returns than investing in India because China has strong infrastructure, a large middle class, and a well-established supply chain system.




In recent years, there have been significant changes in global consumer trends and industry development patterns. Compared to last year, the number of companies selected from industries such as finance, information technology, automobiles, electronics, and telecommunications has increased, while the number of companies from industries such as petrochemicals, building materials, and aviation services has seen varying degrees of decline. This year's Asia's 500 Most Influential Brands list includes brands from 41 industries, including finance, media, information technology, food and beverage, electronics, etc. Finance is the largest industry with 70 brands. The second to fifth most popular sectors were information technology (50), media (45), food and beverage (44), and automobiles (27). Among the Chinese brands that performed well are State Grid, Haier, Wuliangye, China Southern Power Grid, Beidahuang, Tsingtao Beer, Changhong, Tongwei, Hengli, Shenghong, Bosideng, HBIS, Feihe, Zoomlion, JOMOO, Doublestar, Yanjing, and GCL. According to the analysis by the World Brand Lab, technology brands in Asian countries are generally weaker compared to those in the U.S., while luxury brands in Asia lag behind those in Europe.




World Brand Lab has conducted a survey on consumer loyalty across Asian countries for twelve consecutive years. The results show that consumer loyalty varies significantly among the nations. Japanese consumers continue to have the highest national brand loyalty at 84%. South Korea ranks second with 75%. The enthusiasm of Chinese mainland consumers for domestic brands has continued to rise, increasing from 36% more than a decade ago to 70%, ranking third. There are 37 new brands on the list this year. Mainland China leads with the highest number of new brands on the list, totaling 15. These new additions include prominent industry names such as Poly, King Long and FSL. In terms of industry distribution among the newly listed brands, 4 are from the automobile sector, highlighting the robust industrial strength that Asian car manufacturers have exhibited in the global automobile market in recent years. In the "Asia's 500 Most Influential Brands of 2024" list, Moutai, Wuliangye, and Tsingtao Beer ranked as the top three brands in the food and beverage sector, and these brands already have significant global influence.


今年的“亚洲品牌大会”主题是“可持续领导力:亚洲品牌在全球市场的崛起”。来自剑桥大学制造业研究院教授斯蒂芬·埃文斯博士(Dr. Steve EVANS)认为,展望未来的商业发展,可持续发展与品牌建设之间的联系日益紧密。人们不再仅仅期望企业自身对环境的影响降到最低,同时还要求企业积极推动变革,展示出对可持续发展实践的真正承诺。这种转变不仅仅是一种趋势,而是品牌运营和与利益相关者互动方式的根本转变。譬如宝马与香奈儿等欧洲品牌,以及中国的国家电网、海尔等,都在向可持续发展品牌转型。未能履行可持续发展承诺的品牌,有可能失去消费者的信任和忠诚度。


The topic for this year's Asia Brand Summit is "Sustainable Leadership: The Rise of Asian Brands in Global Markets." Dr. Steve Evans, Professor at the Institute for Manufacturing at University of Cambridge, believes that looking ahead to future business development, the connection between sustainability and brand building is becoming increasingly close. People no longer expect companies to merely minimize their environmental impact; now, they also demand that businesses actively drive change and demonstrate a true commitment to sustainable practices. This shift is not just a trend but a fundamental change in how brands operate and engage with stakeholders, moving towards greater authenticity. For example, European brands like BMW and Chanel, as well as Chinese brands like State Grid and Haier, are all transitioning towards sustainable brands. Brands that fail to fulfill their sustainability commitments may risk losing consumer trust and loyalty.


参与发布会的香港大学经管学院营销学教授萨拉·金博士(Dr. Sara KIM)认为,亚洲品牌正在对全球经济格局产生变革性影响。随着这些品牌的崛起,它们体现了以可持续发展为导向的领导力的转变,这对于建立具有弹性的全球身份至关重要。尽管丰田和现代的ESG战略,在促进可持续发展方面有各自优缺点,但他们都在努力在ESG框架内优先考虑治理,以提高品牌声誉。此外,人们越来越不能容忍“洗绿”行为。消费者的眼光越来越挑剔,要求品牌具有透明度和责任感。这意味着,品牌不仅要采取可持续发展的做法,还要真实有效地传达这些做法。


Dr. Sara KIM, Professor of Marketing at University of Hong Kong Business School, who participated in the Summit, contends that Asian brands are having a transformative impact on the global economic landscape. As these brands rise, they reflect a shift towards sustainability-oriented leadership, which is crucial for establishing a resilient global identity. Although the ESG strategies of Toyota and Hyundai have their respective strengths and weaknesses in promoting sustainability, both are striving to prioritize governance within the ESG framework to enhance brand reputation. Furthermore, there is growing intolerance for "greenwashing." Consumers are becoming increasingly discerning, demanding transparency and accountability from brands. This means that brands not only need to adopt sustainable practices but also communicate these practices in an authentic and effective manner.


牛津大学营销学荣誉教授、世界品牌实验室学术委员会主席斯蒂芬·沃格博士(Dr. Steve Woolgar)认为,全球范围内的学者与公司高管,都在探讨可持续发展、技术和品牌之间错综复杂的关系,研究这些元素如何交织在一起塑造现代企业,因为Z世代的年轻人(1997年至2012年出生)中,近80%的消费者和投资者,在消费和投资决策中优先考虑环境、社会和公司治理因素。而新技术的进步,在可持续发展方面发挥着重要作用:譬如数字创新通过减少碳足迹和优化资源利用,带来更环保的产品。在品牌传播领域,数字工具能够有效地与受众分享其可持续发展举措,加强与客户的联系。


Dr. Steve WOOLGAR, Emeritus Professor of Marketing at the University of Oxford and Chairman of the World Brand Lab Academic Committee, said, scholars and corporate executives worldwide are exploring the complex relationship between sustainability, technology, and branding, studying how these elements intertwine to shape modern enterprises. Nearly 80% of Generation Z consumers and investors (born between 1997 and 2012) prioritize environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors in their purchasing and investment decisions. Advances in new technologies play a crucial role in sustainability: for example, digital innovation brings more environmentally friendly products by reducing carbon footprints and optimizing resource use. In the field of brand communication, digital tools enable companies to effectively share their sustainability initiatives with audiences, thereby strengthening connections with customers.


世界经理人集团和世界品牌实验室创始人、牛津大学丁海森博士(Dr. Haisen DING)认为,有一个无形之手驾驭经济体系,就是声誉生态系统。可持续品牌建设,就是适应、建立和维护声誉系统,要求企业将其价值观,与更广泛的全球社会和环境责任意识相统一,还要从供应链管理到产品开发,包括将道德实践融入企业的方方面面。成功驾驭这一格局的品牌不仅能提高声誉,还能在生态意识日益增强的市场中创造竞争优势。当然,可持续发展鼓励企业开发支持环保目标的新产品,毫无疑问可以吸引到具有生态意识的消费者和投资者。


Dr. Haisen DING, founder of World Executive Group and World Brand Lab, believes that there is an invisible hand guiding the economic system, which he refers to as the reputation ecosystem. Sustainable brand building is about adapting to, establishing, and maintaining a reputation ecosystem. It requires companies to align their values with broader global social and environmental responsibilities, integrating ethical practices into all aspects of the business—from supply chain management to product development. Brands that successfully navigate this framework can not only enhance their reputation but also create a competitive advantage in markets with growing ecological awareness. Sustainable development encourages companies to develop new products that support environmental goals, which undoubtedly attracts environmentally conscious consumers and investors.


世界品牌实验室(World Brand Lab)是一家国际化的品牌价值研究机构,全资附属于世界领先的数字技术和战略咨询公司——世界经理人集团,由1999年诺贝尔经济学奖得主罗伯特·蒙代尔(Robert Mundell)教授倡议创建并担任首任主席,现任主席为牛津大学教授斯蒂芬·沃格(Steve Woolgar)。世界品牌实验室的专家和顾问来自哈佛大学、耶鲁大学、麻省理工学院、哥伦比亚大学、牛津大学、剑桥大学、欧洲工商管理学院等世界顶级学府,其研究成果已经成为许多企业并购过程中无形资产评估的重要依据。《亚洲品牌500强》从2006年开始每年发布一次。


World Brand Lab, wholly owned by the leading strategic consulting and business communication company World Executive Group, is an international brand value research institution, founded on the initiative of and first chaired by Professor Robert Mundell, winner of the 1999 Nobel Prize in Economics. The current chair is Professor Steve Woolgar from the University of Oxford. The experts and consultants of World Brand Lab come from Harvard University, Yale University, MIT, Columbia University, University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, INSEAD and other top universities around the world. Its research results have become an important basis for intangible asset valuation in the process of M&A of many enterprises. The Asia’s 500 Most Influential Brands list has been published annually since 2006.

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