世界品牌实验室发布2020年亚洲品牌500强 |
丰田汽车、国家电网、腾讯名列三甲,日本的国民品牌忠诚度最高 |
World Brand Lab Releases “Asia’s 500 Most Influential Brands 2020” |
Toyota, State Grid and Tencent rank in the top three; Japan holds the top spot for highest national brand loyalty |
由世界品牌实验室(World Brand Lab)主办的“亚洲品牌大会”于9月22日在上海召开。会上发布了2020年《亚洲品牌500强》排行榜。这是世界品牌实验室第十五次对亚洲品牌的影响力进行的测评, 共有21个国家和地区的500个品牌入选。丰田汽车、国家电网、腾讯名列前三,占据榜单前十名的还有海尔、工商银行、三星、本田、华为、中国人寿和索尼。中国、日本和韩国是入选品牌最多的三个国家。哈佛大学商学院教授伊利?欧菲克(Elie Ofek)、耶鲁大学管理学院教授莱维?多尔(Ravi Dhar)参加了会议并发表了主题演讲。[见附表一] |
The Asia Brand Summit was organized in Shanghai on September 22 by the World Brand Lab. The "Asia’s Most Influential Brands 2020" list was released at the summit. Elie Ofek, professor at Harvard Business School, and Ravi Dhar, professor at Yale University School of Management, attended the summit and delivered keynote speeches. This is the 15th time that the World Brand Lab has evaluated the influence of Asian brands. A total of 500 brands from 21 countries and regions have been selected. Toyota, State Grid and Tencent are listed as the top three. Haier, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Samsung, Honda, Huawei, China Life and Sony follow them in the list of top ten. China, Japan and South Korea have emerged as the countries with the most selected brands. [See Table 1] |
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《亚洲品牌500强》的评判标准是品牌的亚洲影响力,品牌影响力是指品牌开拓市场、占领市场、并获得利润的能力。世界品牌实验室评价亚洲品牌影响力的基本指标包括市场占有率(Market Share)、品牌忠诚度(Brand Loyalty)和亚洲领导力(Asian Leadership)。此次亚洲品牌500强共有21个国家和地区的品牌入选,中国(包含港澳台)入选的品牌共计210个,占整个亚洲品牌500强的42.0%,位居第一,其中中国大陆入榜品牌有158个;日本有136个品牌入选,占亚洲品牌500强的27.2%,位居第二;位居第三的是韩国,入选49个品牌。[见附表二] |
The selection criterion is the brand’s Asian influence, i.e., the brand's ability to explore the market, occupy the market and make profits. The basic indicators used by the World Brand Lab to evaluate the influence of Asian brands include Market Share and Brand Loyalty and Asian Leadership. Based on this, brands from 21 countries and regions have been chosen. China (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) with 210 brands (158 of which are in mainland China), which account for 42.0% of the top 500 positions, ranks first among all countries. Japan occupies the second ranking with 136 brands, accounting for 27.2% of the top 500 positions. Third is South Korea with 49 brands. [See Table 2]. |
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面对新冠疫情造成的经济停滞,各行各业都受到不同程度的冲击。与去年相比,服装、航空服务、媒体等受疫情影响大的行业入榜品牌数量及排名出现明显下降,而食品饮料、信息技术、机械等“刚需“行业入榜品牌均有不同程度增加。本年度《亚洲品牌500强》排行榜中,共有来自金融、传媒、信息技术、食品饮料、电子电器、零售、汽车和石油化工等在内的42个相关行业的品牌入选。其中金融是入选品牌最多的行业,共有62个品牌入选,占总入选品牌数的12.4%。入选数量位居第二到第五的行业分别是传媒(49个)、信息技术(47个)、食品饮料(44个)、电子电器(28个)。其中表现出色的中国品牌有海尔、五粮液、南方电网、北大荒、青岛啤酒、圣象、抖音、恒力、九牧厨卫、双星轮胎及CCD郑中设计等。世界品牌实验室分析认为,与美国相比,亚洲各国的科技品牌相对较弱。[见附表三] |
In the wake of economic stagnation caused by COVID-19, all industries have been affected to varying degrees. Compared with last year, the number and ranking of brands in industries that are heavily affected by the pandemic, such as apparel, aviation services and media, have dropped significantly, while brands in the "rigid-demand" industries, such as food and beverage, information technology and machinery, all have performed better. In this year’s list of "Asia’s 500 Most Influential Brands," a total of 42 industries have been covered, including financial services, media, information technology, food and beverage, electronics, retail, automotive and petrochemicals, etc. Among them, financial services is the industry with the most selected brands. A total of 62 financial brands have been selected, accounting for 12.4% of the total number. The industries that rank second to fifth in number are media (49), information technology (47), food and beverage (44) and electronics (28). Some Chinese brands with outstanding performance include Haier, Wuliangye, China Southern Power Grid, Beidahuang, Tsingtao Brewery, Dekor, Douyin, Hengli, JOMOO, Doublestar Tire and CCD. According to the World Brand Lab analysis, compared with the United States, the technology brands in Asian countries are relatively weaker. [See Table 3]. |
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对亚洲市场内部而言,各国国民的消费忠诚相去甚远。日本消费者的国民品牌忠诚度依然最高,高达81%;韩国排名第二,忠诚度达69%;中国大陆相比以往,忠诚度有所提高,达到56%,排名第三。[见附表四]随着近几年亚洲市场消费者经济能力的提升以及消费群体的年轻化,他们对健康、品质、体验的需求大大提高,这很大程度上影响了亚洲食品行业未来的消费偏好。在《亚洲品牌500强》排行榜中,茅台、五粮液、青岛啤酒位列食品饮料行业前三名,这几个品牌已具有较大的世界影响力。今年新上榜的品牌有36个,而食品饮料行业就占据了4个。 |
As far as the Asian market is concerned, the consumer loyalty to national brands varies in different countries. Japanese consumers still display the highest national brand loyalty—as high as 81%; South Korea ranks second, with 69% loyalty percentage. Compared with the past, brand loyalty in China has increased to 56%, putting it third on the list [see Table 4]. With the improvement of the economic power of consumers in the Asian market and the rejuvenation of consumer groups in recent years, their demand for health, quality and experience has greatly increased, which has considerably affected the future of consumer preferences in Asian food industry. In the "Asia’s 500 Most Influential Brands 2020" list, Moutai, Wuliangye and Tsingtao Brewery occupy the top three positions in the food and beverage industry, and these brands already have enormous global influence. There are 36 new brands on the list this year, four of which come from the food and beverage industry. |
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今年的“亚洲品牌大会”主题是“创新驱动品牌价值和企业成长”。参与发布会的耶鲁大学管理学院教授莱维?多尔(Ravi Dhar)指出:“在过去的5-10年里,目的驱动型品牌陡然兴起。新的信仰驱动型消费者,不仅关心公司提供的功能和情感利益,还关心公司的价值观是否与他们自己的价值观相一致。消费者现在关心许多利益相关者,除了品牌如何对待社区、环境、员工之外,现在还关注种族正义。耐克新推出的'别这么做'(Don't Do It)运动就是一个品牌参与这种新常态的例子。”新冠疫情已经加速了消费者的转变,消费者不仅希望品牌为自己提供价值,而且希望品牌在ESG(环境、社会和治理)的问题上有自己的目的和立场。品牌需要根据消费者目标的变化,转变其价值框架, 从而进行营销创新。 |
The motto for this year's "Asia Brand Summit" is "Innovation Drives Brand Value and Corporate Growth." Ravi Dhar,?professor at the Yale School of Management, who participated in the conference, pointed out: “In the last 5–10 years, there has been a steep rise in purpose-driven brands. The new belief-driven consumer cares not only about the functional and emotional benefits that a company provides but also how that company’s values align with their own. Consumers now care about many stakeholders and consider how companies treat the environment, their community, and also their employees. COVID-19 and the Black Lives Matter movement has only made consumers pay closer attention to the purpose of brands. In additional to how brands treat community, environment, employees, there is now an emphasis on racial justice. Nike’s new ‘Don’t Do It’ campaign is an example of a brand engaging with this new normal.” COVID-19 has accelerated the shift among consumers, who want brands to not only provide value for themselves but also have their own purposes and positions on environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues. To carry out marketing innovations, brands need to change their framework of values according to the shift in consumer goals. |
来自哈佛大学商学院市场营销系教授伊利·欧菲克(Elie Ofek)认为,通过科技创新可以打造强势品牌,从而推动公司成功并实现持续增长。譬如,苹果(智能手机领域)和特斯拉(汽车领域)就是最显著的科技品牌案例。品牌不仅要被消费者所熟知,而且还具有对他们来说很重要的意义(功能性或情感性)。更重要的是,这些品牌还代表了他们是谁或他们渴望成为谁。企业在创新时,通常在一个品类中引入新的技术维度,这样更容易受到消费者的重视。通过不断创新, 并将用户置于创新中心的公司,完全可以建立起强大的值得信赖的品牌形象。此外,亚洲品牌可以通过和国外品牌的合作,比如进行跨界创新,制造新的价值点和附加值来提升自身品牌的知名度。 |
Elie Ofek,?Marketing professor at Harvard Business School, believes that technological innovation can help companies succeed and achieve growth by building strong brands. For example, Apple (in the smartphone space) and Tesla (in the automotive space) are the most prominent examples of technology brands. These are brands that not just are known to consumers but also have meanings that matter to them (functional or emotional). More importantly, these brands also represent who they are or who they aspire to be. In the process of innovation, enterprises that introduce new dimensions and new benefits into a category are more likely to be valued by customers. Moreover, companies that not only position such innovations as useful but also put the customer at the center can leverage these innovations to build a strong brand image. In addition, Asian brands can enhance their brand awareness through cooperation with foreign brands, such as providing cross-border innovation, creating new value points or added values. |
世界经理人集团首席执行官和世界品牌实验室专家组成员丁海森认为,品牌是一个信任的仓库,随着选择的增多,它越来越重要。过去,大家都意识到品牌影响消费决策。现在,品牌除了影响消费还影响投资。甚至,以品牌为代表的无形资产正在改变全球资本市场结构。标普500指数中的成分公司,其无形资产占资产总额从1975年的17%已经上升到今天的84%,超过20万亿美元,创历史新高! 过去,资本市场由铁路、工厂、农场和购物中心等驱动,如今却由品牌、专利、数据和网络效应等无形资产在驱动。 |
Haisen Ding, CEO of the World Executive Group and member of the World Brand Lab expert panel, believes that a brand is a warehouse of trust, and as choices increase, it becomes hugely important. In the past, everyone had realized that brands can affect consumer decisions. Now, brands affect not only consumption but also investment. Intangible assets represented by brands are even changing the structure of global capital markets. From all components of the S&P 500 index, the proportion of intangible assets has risen from 17% of total assets in 1975 to 84% today, exceeding 20 trillion dollars—a record high! Earlier, capital markets comprised railways, factories, farms and shopping centers; but now, they are driven by intangible assets such as brands, patents, data and network effects. |
世界品牌实验室(World Brand Lab)是一家国际化的品牌价值研究机构,全资附属于世界领先的战略咨询和商业传播公司——世界经理人集团,由1999年诺贝尔经济学奖得主Robert Mundell教授担任主席。世界品牌实验室的专家和顾问来自美国哈佛大学、耶鲁大学、麻省理工学院、英国牛津大学、剑桥大学、欧洲工商管理学院等世界顶级学府,其研究成果已经成为许多企业并购过程中无形资产评估的重要依据。《亚洲品牌500强》从2006年开始每年发布一次。 |
The World Brand Lab, owned by the leading strategic consulting and business communication company—World Executive Group, is an international brand value research institution. Professor Robert Mundell, the winner of the 1999 Nobel Prize in Economics, serves as the chairman of World Brand Lab. The World Brand Lab comprises experts and consultants from Harvard University, Yale University, MIT, University of Oxford and University of Cambridge. Their significant research findings have been applied by many enterprises as important references for intangible asset evaluation in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) processes. The "Asia’s 500 Most Influential Brands" list has been released annually since 2006. |