世界品牌实验室发布2021年中国500最具价值品牌 |
国家电网、中国工商银行和海尔名列三甲,57个中国品牌的价值超过1000亿 |
World Brand Lab Releases “China’s 500 Most Valuable Brands of 2021” |
State Grid, ICBC and Haier head the list;57 Chinese brands are valued at more than 100 billion RMB |
由世界品牌实验室(World Brand Lab)主办的(第十八届)“世界品牌大会”于6月22日在北京举行,会上发布了2021年《中国500最具价值品牌》分析报告。在这份基于财务数据、品牌强度和消费者行为分析的年度报告中,国家电网以5576.95亿元的品牌价值荣登本年度最具价值品牌榜首。占据榜单前五名的还有中国工商银行(4962.76亿元)、海尔(4575.29亿元)、中国石油(4425.79亿元)、中国人寿(4366.72亿元),这些品牌已经迈进世界级品牌阵营。来自哈佛、耶鲁、牛津的管理大师们出席了“世界品牌大会”并做在线演讲,围绕“可持续品牌助推公司增长”的大会主题与现场嘉宾互动研讨。 |
The 2021 “China's 500 Most Valuable Brands” list (18th edition), exclusively compiled by the World Brand Lab, was released on June 22 in Beijing. This year, State Grid, with a brand value of 557.70 billion RMB, topped the annual list, which weighs financial data, brand strength, and consumer behavior. Joining State Grid in the top five were Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (496.28 billion RMB), Haier (457.53 billion RMB), PetroChina (442.56 billion RMB), and China Life (436.67 billion RMB). These companies have become world-class brands. Management gurus from Harvard, Yale, and Oxford attended the World Brand Summit and gave online speeches during which they discussed with guest show sustainable brands drive corporate growth. |
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2021年度《中国500最具价值品牌》的总价值为278953.20亿元,比去年增加32032.62亿元,增加幅度为12.97%。世界品牌实验室主席、牛津大学(Oxford)营销学荣誉教授斯蒂芬·沃格(Steve Woolgar)表示:“品牌是一个国家的形象,我希望世界上更多的人能够通过中国品牌了解中国的故事。在过去的15年中,我目睹了中国品牌的快速成长,有的已经具有强大的世界影响力,这些品牌包括国家电网、中国人寿、中国一汽、华润、中国国航、海尔、北大荒、五粮液、青岛啤酒、中国飞鹤、双星轮胎、竹叶青、河钢集团、恒力、中国南方电网、徐工、雪花啤酒、九牧厨卫等。”世界品牌实验室编制中国品牌报告已是第18个年头,2004年入选门槛仅为5亿元,前500名品牌的平均价值为49.43亿元。18年以后的2021年,入选门槛已经提高到30.68亿元,而前500名品牌的平均价值高达557.91亿元,增加幅度为1028.69%。 |
The total value of China's 500 Most Valuable Brands reached 27,895.32 billion RMB in 2021, up 3203.26 billion RMB (12.97%) since last year. Steve Woolgar, Chairman of the Academic Committee of the World Brand Lab and Professor of Marketing Emeritusat the University of Oxford, said, “Brands are the image of a country. I hope that more people around the world can learn about China’s stories through Chinese brands. In the past 15 years, I have witnessed the rapid growth of Chinese brands, some of which already have strong global influence. These brands include State Grid, China Life, Haier, Beidahuang, Wuliangye, Tsingtao Brewery, Firmus,Double Star Group, Zhuyeqing Tea, HBIS Group, Hengli, China Southern Power Grid, XCMG, Snow Beer, JOMOO, Air China, China FAW, and China Resources.” This is the 18th year that World Brand Lab has compiled a Chinese brand report. The entry threshold in 2004 was only 500 million RMB, and the top 500 brands held an average value of 4.94 billion RMB. In contrast, the entry thresholdwas 3.07 billion RMB in 2021, with an average value of 55.79 billion RMB; an increase of 1028.69%. |
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据世界品牌实验室分析,一个区域的竞争实力,主要取决于其比较优势,而品牌效益直接影响着地区比较优势的形成和发展。品牌是一个地区发展的重要标志,品牌带动区域经济的增长,区域经济的发展又促进当地品牌的成长。从本届《中国500最具价值品牌》区域分布来看,北京有91个品牌入选,名列第一,主要原因是赢利能力强的央企总部集中在北京;广东和山东分别有86个和44个品牌入选,位居第二和第三。根据入选品牌影响力范围大小,可按照全国性、世界性品牌进行划分。榜单中具有全国范围影响力的品牌有439个,占87.80%;具有世界性影响力的品牌数为61个,占12.20%,比去年略有增加。 |
According to analysis performed by the World Brand Lab, the competitive strength of a region depends mainly on its comparative advantages, which are directly affected by brand benefits. Brands are important indicators of regional development. They drive the growth of regional economies, which in turn promote the growth of local brands. Of China's “500 Most Valuable Brands” this year, 91 are based in Beijing, mainly because many major and highly profitable enterprises are headquartered in the city. Guangdong and Shandong have the second and third greatest number of brands on the list, with 86 and 44 brands, respectively. The listed brands can be categorized as national or global according to their scope of influence. There are 439 brands of national influence on the list, accounting for 87.80% of the total, and 61 (12.20%) of global influence, a slight increase from last year. |
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尽管新冠疫情没有阻挡中国品牌价值整体上升的趋势,但是与去年相比,汽车、旅游服务、媒体等受疫情影响大的行业入榜品牌数量明显下降,而食品饮料、金融、农业等“刚需”行业入榜品牌均有不同程度增加。本年度《中国500最具价值品牌》排行榜中,共有来自食品饮料、轻工业、建材、传媒、纺织服装、医药、机械等在内的26个相关行业的品牌入选。其中食品饮料业依然是入选品牌最多的行业,共有87个品牌入选,占总入选品牌数的17.40%;入选数量位居第二到第五的行业分别是轻工(52个)、建材(37个)、传媒(33个)、纺织服装(33个)。本年度共有57个中国品牌的价值超过1000亿,比去年增加了4个。 |
Although the pandemic did not halt the overall upward trend of Chinese brand value, the number of brands in industries such as automobiles, travel services, and media dropped significantly compared with last year, while the numbers in industries with inelastic demand such as food and beverage, finance, and agriculture, increased. The “2021 China's 500 Most Valuable Brands” list contains brands from26 industries, among them food and beverage, light industry, building materials, media, textiles and clothing, medicine and machinery. The food and beverage industry remains the sector with the most brands on the list, counting 87 and representing 17.40% of the list. The second to fifth-ranking sectors are light industry (52), building materials (37), media (33), textiles and clothing (33), and communication and IT (30). A total of 57 Chinese brands were valued at more than 100 billion RMB this year, up from 53 last year. |
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今年的“世界品牌大会“主题是”可持续品牌助推公司增长”。世界品牌实验室和超级财经(Superfinance)的联合调查显示:品牌价值和ESG(环境、社会和治理)的评分正相关。来自牛津大学(Oxford)商业与公共政策教授卡蒂克·拉曼纳(Karthik Ramanna)博士指出,今天在许多公司ESG仍然被视为一种报告或合规工作,而不是一种战略活动。他为那些希望与客户建立真实信任的品牌和公司列举了五个步骤:第一,不要忽视利益相关者的问题,他们需要被倾听;第二,尽量避免政治性的东西;第三,尝试开始对能力不对称采取行动;第四是要保持领先,你的利益相关者的期望在不断变化;最后但同样重要的是,企业应尽量尝试一步一步地实现ESG目标,确保ESG活动是真实的。 |
The theme of this year's World Brand Summit was “Sustainable Brands Drive Corporate Growth.” According to a joint study by World Brand Lab and Superfinance, brand value and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) scores are positively related. Dr. Karthik Ramanna, a professor of business and public policy at the University of Oxford, pointed out that in many companies, dealing with ESG factors is seen as a reporting or compliance exercise rather than a strategic activity. He outlined five steps that enable brands to build authentic trust with customers. First, companies should not ignore stakeholder issues. Second, they should try to avoid political issues. Third, they should act on capacity asymmetries. Fourth, they should stay ahead of the curve because stakeholders’ expectations are constantly changing. And finally, companies should not be too ambitious in addressing ESG criteria. They should address their goals one step at a time to ensure that their ESG activities are authentic. |
来自哈佛商学院(Harvard)管理学荣誉教授约翰?戴腾(John Deighton)博士指出,实施一个可持续的品牌战略需要”少些营销,多些造势”。比如纺织品和食品这两个行业,浪费的东西比我们消费的东西多。当营销失败时,浪费的供应成本对品牌来说不是什么问题,但对地球来说,这是一个巨大的问题。处理生产过程中的过剩产品是一个可怕的负担,但它是经济学家传统上所说的外在因素,一种不反映在价格中的成本。越来越多的活动家将这些社会成本公之于众,对那些忽视这些成本的品牌的声誉造成了很大冲击。因此,企业可以通过制造新的市场,使人们对回收的衣服、拼凑的布料、不那么完美的水果等产生兴趣来降低供应成品,减少对品牌声誉的冲击。 |
John Deighton, a professor of Business Administration Emeritusat Harvard University, offered advice on how to implement a sustainable branding strategy, emphasizing the need for less marketing and more market-making. After examining two industries, textiles and food, Deighton realized that companies are wasting more than they consume. A product that fails to sell is an insignificant expense for a brand but an enormous problem for the planet. While disposing of surplus from the manufacturing process is a substantial environmental burden, it is what economists call an externality: a cost that is not reflected in prices. Increasingly, activists are making these social costs public; when a brand ignores these costs, its reputation suffers. The solution that Professor Deighton offered is to open new markets, creating an appetite for recycled clothing, patchwork fabrics, less-than-perfect fruit, etc., to reduce the impact on brand reputation. |
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来自耶鲁大学(Yale)管理学院营销学教授莱维·多尔(Ravi Dhar)博士指出,当今世界,利益关系营销策略正在悄然发生改变。企业为自身创造战略价值分为四个步骤。首先,企业应该仔细区分不同类型利益相关群体的不同诉求;其次,企业决策者应该能够有效分辨出,哪些看似“战略”的行为,实际上只是企业受制于法律和行业规定而“不得不做”的,又有哪些行为是企业通过“自身驱动”主动选择进行的;第三步,企业在解决问题时,应该尽量选择一种可以同时满足多类利益相关群体价值诉求的行为;最后,企业内部应该形成一套新的系统和监测指标,从而可以更加有效的对自身营销战略为其品牌价值所产生的影响进行评判。 |
Ravi Dhar, professor of marketing at the Yale School of Management, stated that stakeholder marketing strategies are quietly changing. Dhar put forward a four-step strategic value creation-process: First, identify the value drivers for different stakeholder categories. Second, distinguish “must do” tasks that are required for compliance with laws or industry norms from “choose to do” opportunities that create lasting competitive differentiation. Third, companies must try to jointly solve problems that concern not just one stakeholder category but stakeholders at all business levels. Finally, companies should enable new systems and metrics to measure the impact and outcomes of their strategies. |
《哈佛商业评论》(HBR)总编辑阿迪?伊格内修斯(Adi Ignatius)指出,首席执行官的角色正在发生变化。公司高管现在需要广泛地考虑他们的所有利益相关者,而不仅仅是他们的股东。这项工作的回报更高,但也更复杂。然而,即使角色在不断变化,伟大的领导力仍有一些基本属性是不会改变的。伊格内修斯先生认为,在如何创造持久的品牌价值方面,以下四位伟大的CEO是杰出的典范:皮克斯(Pixar)的埃德-卡特穆尔(Ed Catmull)、苹果(Apple)的史蒂夫-乔布斯(Steve Jobs)、百事(PepsiCo)的英德拉-努伊(Indra Nooyi)和海尔(Haier)的张瑞敏。 |
Mr. Adi Ignatius, editor-in-chief of Harvard Business Review, noted that the role of the CEO is changing. Executive leaders now feel the need to think broadly about all their stakeholders, not just their shareholders. As such, the CEO position is becoming more rewarding but also more complex. Even as the role evolves, however, the fundamental attributes of great leaders remain the same. Mr. Ignatius singled out four CEOs as leaders who created brands of lasting value: Ed Catmull of Pixar, Steve Jobs of Apple, Indra Nooyi of PepsiCo, and Zhang Ruimin of Haier. |
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世界经理人集团和世界品牌实验室首席执行官丁海森说,”品牌不但直接影响企业销售业绩,也直接影响资本市场的估值。最近20年来, 全球资本市场出现了另一个重要特征,即以品牌为核心的无形资产,其重要性超过了有形资产。从1975年到2018年,标普500指数中所有公司的无形资产占市值的比例从17%(120亿美元)增加到84%(21.03亿美元)。中国经济的可持续增长与中国品牌价值的增长密切相关。品牌影响生产和消费,并最终促进经济增长”。世界品牌实验室副主席威廉·蒙代尔(William Mundell)认为,“品牌意识在一定程度上反映了民族性格和民族精神。品牌的可持续发展应该是所有商业层面的双赢。通过实施可持续发展措施以获得长期回报,企业可以保持领先优势,并产生更好的品牌知名度”。 |
Haisen Ding, founder and CEO of World Executive Group and World Brand Lab, said, "Brands have a direct impact on both the sales performance and capital market valuation. In the last 20 years, one of the most important features of global capital markets is that brand-centered intangible assets have surpassed tangible assets in terms of importance. From 1975 to 2018, intangible assets as a percentage of market capitalization for all companies in the S&P 500 increased from 17% (12.00 billion USD) to 84% (21.03trillion USD). The sustainable growth of the Chinese economy is closely linked to the growth in Chinese brands. Brands influence production and consumption, and ultimately contribute to economic growth." William Mundell, Vice Chairman of the Advisory Committee of the World Brand Lab, added, "Brand awareness reflects, to a certain extent, national character and national spirit. Brand sustainability should benefit everyone involved at all business levels. By implementing sustainability measures for long-term returns, businesses can stay ahead of the curve and improve their brand visibility." |
世界品牌实验室(World Brand Lab)是一家国际化的品牌价值研究机构,全资附属于世界领先的数字技术和战略咨询公司——世界经理人集团,由1999年诺贝尔经济学奖得主罗伯特·蒙代尔(Robert Mundell)教授倡议创建并担任首任主席。世界品牌实验室的专家和顾问来自哈佛大学、耶鲁大学、麻省理工学院、哥伦比亚大学、牛津大学、剑桥大学、欧洲工商管理学院等世界顶级学府,其研究成果已经成为许多企业并购过程中无形资产评估的重要依据。连续十八年发布的《中国500最具价值品牌》,采用“收益现值法”对品牌价值进行测评。这是基于经济适用法,综合了消费者研究、竞争分析以及对企业未来收入的预测。 |
World Brand Lab is an international brand value research institute, wholly owned by World Executive Group, the world's leading digital business and strategy consulting firm. World Brand Lab was founded on the initiative of Nobel Laureate Robert Mundell, who served as its first chairman. The experts and consultants of World Brand Lab come from Harvard University, Yale University, MIT, Columbia University, the University of Oxford, the University of Cambridge, INSEAD, and other top universities around the world. Its research results have become an important basis for intangible asset valuation in the M&A process for many enterprises. The “China's 500 Most Valuable Brands” list, which has been published for 18consecutive years, uses the present earning value method to measure brand value. The method is based on an economic approach that integrates consumer research, competitive analysis, and projections of future revenues. |