世界品牌实验室发布2019年世界品牌500强 |
谷歌、亚马逊、微软排前三,美英法为第一阵营,中国有40个品牌入榜 |
World Brand Lab Releases“2019 World’s 500 Most Influential Brands” |
Google, Amazon and Microsoft were the top three; US, UK, and France were the leading countries; only 40 Chinese brands were on the list. |
由世界品牌实验室(World Brand Lab)独家编制的2019年度(第十六届)《世界品牌500强》排行榜于12月11日在美国纽约揭晓。得益于云计算和无人驾驶等领域的业务增长,去年的亚军谷歌(Google)一举击败亚马逊(Amazon)荣登榜首;亚马逊退居第二;2019财年净利润大增的微软(Microsoft)名列第三。美国占据500强中的208席,稳居品牌大国第一。中国入选的品牌只有40个。其中表现亮眼的品牌有国家电网、腾讯、中国人寿、华润、长虹、青岛啤酒、中化、五粮液、国航、中国航天科工、恒力、中国光大集团、徐工。 |
Dec 12, 2019, New York—World Brand Lab today released its “2019 World's 500 Most Influential Brands” (16th edition) list (abbreviated below as 2019 World's 500 Brands list). Benefiting from business growth in areas such as cloud computing and self-driving technology, last year's runner-up Google beat Amazon to top the list while Amazon dropped to second place. Microsoft, which saw a sharp increase in net profit in fiscal year 2019, ranked third. The US brands occupies 208 of the top 500, and ranks first among the brand powerhouse. China has only 40 brands selected, which does not match its status of the second largest economy. Among the prominent Chinese brands are State Grid, Tencent, China Life, China Resources, Changhong, TSINGTAO Brewery, SINOCHEM, WULIANGYE, Air China, CASIC, Hengli, CHINA EVERBRIGHT GROUP, and XCMG. |
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连续十六年发布的《世界品牌500强》(The World's 500 Most Influential Brands),其评判依据是品牌的世界影响力。所谓品牌影响力(Brand Influence),是指品牌开拓市场、占领市场并获得利润的能力。按照品牌影响力的三项关键指标,即市场占有率(Market Share)、品牌忠诚度(Brand Loyalty)和全球领导力(Global Leadership),世界品牌实验室对全球8000个知名品牌进行了综合评分,最终推出了世界最具影响力的500个品牌。 |
Based on global influence, the ranking of the World's 500 Brands has been released for 16 consecutive years. Brand influence refers to the ability of a brand to enter a market, capture market shares and earn profits. Following three key indicators of brand influence—Market Share, Brand Loyalty and Global Leadership, World Brand Lab tracked more than 8,000 famous brands around the globe and eventually launched the World's 500 Most Influential Brands list. |
2019年《世界品牌500强》排行榜入选国家共计29个。从品牌数量的国家分布看,美国占据500强中的208席,继续保持世界品牌第一强国位置;欧洲传统强国英国和法国分别有44个和43个品牌上榜,分列二三位;日本、中国、德国、瑞士和意大利是品牌大国的第二阵营,分别有42个、40个、27个、21个和14个品牌入选。由此可见,即使欧洲经济低迷,但欧洲国家的超级品牌似乎依然坚挺。中国虽然有40个品牌入选,但相对于13亿人口大国和世界第二大经济体, 中国品牌显然还处于“第三世界”。 |
The 2019 World's 500 Brands list includes brands from 29 countries. By national distribution of brands, the United States represents 208 out of the top 500, retaining its position as the brand superpower. The traditional European powers,UK and France, have 44 and 43 brands, respectively, ranking second and third. Japan, China, Germany, Switzerland, and Italy represent the second tierof brand powerhouses, with 42, 40, 27, 21, and 14 selected brands, respectively. Despite an economic downturn in Europe, the super-brands of Europe seem to be holding firm. Although 40 brands are selected from China, Chinese brands are clearly still in the "third world", despite the country’s 1.3 billion population and its status as the second largest economy in the world. |
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今年《世界品牌500强》共覆盖了54个行业。其中,汽车与零件行业共有35个品牌入榜,排名继续保持第一;食品与饮料行业今年有33个品牌上榜,超越传媒行业排名第二;传媒行业受到纸质媒体不景气的影响,相比去年减少了5个,今年共有30个品牌上榜,排名第三。其他入选数量排名靠前的行业有零售行业(24个)和能源行业(23个),分别位列第四和第五,互联网和银行业各有22个入榜,并列第六。 |
This year, the World’s 500 Brands list covers 54 industries in total. Among them, the automobile industry, with a total of 35 brands listed, ranks first. The food and beverage industry, with 33 brands on the list, surpasses the media industry and ranks second. Affected by the slump in paper media,the media industry, with 30 brands ranks third this year. The other top industries selected are the retail (24) and energy (23), ranking fourth and fifth respectively. The Internet industry and bank industry both have 22 brands on the list and ties for sixth. |
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今年新上榜的品牌总计有35个,这些品牌分散于各个行业。其中,有7个品牌来自英国,其余来自于美国(5个)、日本(5个)、法国(4个)、中国(4个)、加拿大(2个)等。新上榜的品牌中,排名最高的品牌为中国的华润(China Resources),位于总榜78名。华润以“引领商业进步,共创美好生活”为使命,通过不断创新生意模式,打造产品和服务品牌,有效地促进了产业发展,为提高大众的生活品质作出了应有的贡献。法国马爹利(Martell)、日本大金(Daikin)、英国咖世家(Costa)等著名品牌也榜上有名。中国新上榜的品牌还有中国光大集团(CHINA EVERBRIGHT GROUP)、徐工(XCMG)以及魏桥(Weiqiao),这几个品牌在各自领域成绩斐然,品牌的国际知名度得到不断提升。 |
A total of 35 brands are new to the list this year. These brands are scattered across various countries includingthe United Kingdom (7), the United States (5), Japan (5), France (4), China (4), Canada (2), etc. Among the newly listed brands, China Resources, the highest ranked brand, is ranked 78th in the list. With the mission of “leading business progress and creating better living together”, China Resources has been continuously innovating its business models and creating product and service brands, to effectively promote industrial development and contribute to improving the quality of public life. Other famous brands such as French Martell, Daikin, and Costa were also on the list. In addition to China Resources,Some Chinese brands that are new to the list–CHINA EVERBRIGHT GROUP, XCMG, and Weiqiao have made outstanding achievements in their respective fields, and these brands’ international reputation has been continuously improving . |
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作为曾经快时尚行业的领先品牌,H&M没有适应消费者需求的变化,销售额经历了连续的下滑,成为今年下跌最厉害的品牌输家。汽车行业遇到前所未有的行业困境,通用汽车、日产和特斯拉分别位列下跌幅度最大的第3名、第8名和第9名。多乐士是阿克苏诺贝尔旗下著名的油漆品牌,产品畅销于全球100个国家,其过去一年在环境治理、公司治理中存在一些丑闻,从而影响了其品牌价值,直接导致落榜。 |
The fast fashion sales leader, H&M, has not successfully adapted to recent changes in consumer demand. H&M saw a continuous decline in sales, thus becoming the brand that fell the most this year. The automotive industry is experiencing trouble with the largest declines,with General Motors, Nissan, and Tesla ranking third, eighth, and ninth, respectively. Dulux is a well-known paint brand of AkzoNobel. Its products are sold in 100 countries around the world. During the past year, there were some scandals reagarding its environmental governance and corporate governance, which affected its brand value and directly led to dropping out of the list. |
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2019年度《世界品牌500强》的平均年龄达到101.94岁,相比去年的100.14岁略有提高。其中100岁及以上的“百年老牌”多达217个,美国以89个占比达到4成。英国的两所知名学府牛津、剑桥分别列为最古老品牌的前两名。学校的历史积淀是知识的沉淀感的最佳表象。除去拥有悠久历史的著名大学之外,法国的老牌公司圣戈班Saint Gobain(354岁)是企业界拥有最长历史的品牌。中国入选的40个品牌中只有茅台、青岛啤酒、五粮液、中国银行超越百龄。依行业来看,食品与饮料类品牌最古老,100岁以上的入选品牌占到了29个。 |
The average age of brands in the 2019 World’s 500 Brands list reached 101.94 years old, which was slightly higher than last year's 100.14 years old. Among them, there are 217 time-honored brands that are more than a century old. The United States accounts for 40% with 90 brands. Two well-known British universities, Oxford and Cambridge, are listed as the top two oldest brands. The history of schools are the best manifestation of the precipitation of knowledge. France’s Saint-Gobain is the longest-running brand in the business world with 354 years in operation. Among the 40 brands from China, only Moutai, TSINGTAO Brewery, WULIANGYE, and Bank of China can boast more than 100 years in business. By industry, brands in the food and beverage industry are the oldest, with 29 selected brands over the age of 100. |
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针对数字时代中国品牌的全球化营销战略,美国哥伦比亚大学商学院教授亚当?格林斯基(Adam Galinsky)认为,“在品牌竞争激烈的全球市场中,公司通常会面临自己制造的意外危机。任何跨国品牌都应该预备一个快速、开放、有诚意和长期的危机处理办法,特别是品牌道歉的办法。道歉,可以赢得品牌忠诚”。法国欧洲工商管理学院教授齐夫·卡门(Ziv Carmon)教授认为, “数字时代的消费者会进行购物前的比较, 注明产品的副作用可增加品牌的吸引力,顾客会因为 这种诚实行为而对该品牌产生信任感。此外,中国品牌可以在ESG(环境、社会和治理)上做文章,这是赢得消费者和投资者信任的捷径”。 |
Regarding the global brand competition in the digital age, Professor Adam Galinsky of Columbia Business School believes that "In the global marketplace, where brand competition is fierce, companies often face unexpected crises, often of their own making. How do we get the crisis back into its bottle and mitigate any brand damage. The key solution is a simple but profound one, offering a Quick, Open, Remorseful, Committing to change apology." Professor Ziv Carmon of INSEAD comments that " Firms and their brands are facing increasing pressures from many directions (consumers, employees, investors, media, and legislators, etc) to behave in more sustainable and socially responsible ways. Many brands thus struggle whether and how they should invest in such areas as care for the environment, promotion of healthy living, and responsible consumption. .." |
自2003年开始,世界品牌实验室就对世界60个国家的8万多个主流品牌进行跟踪研究,并建立了最大的世界品牌数据库。作为全球领先的品牌咨询、研究和测评机构,世界品牌实验室(World Brand Lab)由1999年诺贝尔经济学奖得主罗伯特·蒙代尔教授(Robert Mundell)担任主席,全资附属于世界经理人集团(。世界品牌实验室致力于品牌估值、品牌战略、品牌命名、品牌保护,其专家顾问来自哈佛大学、耶鲁大学、麻省理工学院、牛津大学、剑桥大学等世界一流学府,其研究成果已成为许多企业并购过程中无形资产评估的重要依据。 |
Since 2003, World Brand Lab has tracked more than 80,000 major brands in 60 countries and has established the largest brand database in the world. World Brand Lab,the leading brand consulting, research and evaluation firm, is chaired by Professor Robert Mundell, 1999's Nobel laureate in Economics, and is wholly owned by World Executive Group. World Brand Lab is dedicated to brand valuation, brand strategy, brand naming, brand design, and brand protection. Its experts and consultants come from world-class universities such as Harvard University, Yale University, MIT, Oxford University, Cambridge University, etc. World Brand Lab’s significant research findings have been applied by many enterprises as important references of intangible asset evaluation in mergers and acquisitions. |
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编制说明: |
Notes: |
1. 本排行由世界品牌实验室(World Brand Lab)独家编制,评判依据是品牌的世界影响力。按照品牌影响力的三项关键指标,即市场占有率(Market Share)、品牌忠诚度(Brand Loyalty)和全球领导力(Global Leadership)。 |
1.This ranking list is exclusively compiled by World Brand Lab based on the global influence of brands and its three key indicators: Market Share, Brand Loyalty, and Global Leadership. |
2. 合并后的联合品牌, 以合并前的品牌中的年长品牌为准,如路透社1850年成立,汤姆森集团 1953 成立,那么合并后的汤森路透的品牌年龄应从1850年算起。 |
2.The brand age of ajoint brand after merger will be the age of the older one before the merger, for instance, Reuters was established in 1850 and Thomson Group was established in 1953, sothe combined Thomson Reuters brand age should be from 1850 onwards. |
3. 被跨国兼并的品牌,以被兼并前的诞生地所在国家为“品牌国籍”;设立多国总部的品牌,以诞生地所在国家为“品牌国籍”。 |
3.A multinational-merger brand is located in the country where the company was located before the merger; abrand with multinational headquarters is located in the country of origin. |
4. 横跨多种行业的品牌,以收入最多的主营业务所在行业为准。 |
4.For a brand with variety of sub-sectors, sector category is selected based on the main business with most revenues. |
5. 外国品牌的中文名称以中国大陆的约定俗成翻译为准,没有中文名称的外国品牌,世界品牌实验室将视情况进行翻译或不翻译。 |
5.The Chinese name of the foreign company is based on the translation in mainland China. The foreign brands without Chinese name shall be translated or untranslated according to specific situation. |
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