世界品牌实验室发布2018年世界品牌500强 |
亚马逊、谷歌、苹果排前三,美英法为第一阵营,中国仅38个品牌入榜 |
World Brand Lab Released |
“The World’s 500 Most Influential Brands 2018 ” |
由世界品牌实验室(World Brand Lab)独家编制的2018年度(第十五届)《世界品牌500强》排行榜于12月18日在美国纽约揭晓。得益于人工智能和大数据技术,去年的季军亚马逊(Amazon)一举击败苹果(Apple)荣登榜首,其第三季度营业利润创10年新高;谷歌(Google)承袭科技优势,在无人驾驶领域成绩突出,位列第二;苹果(Apple)退居第三。美国占据500强中的223席,稳居品牌大国第一。中国入选的品牌只有38个,与经济第二大国的地位并不匹配。其中表现亮眼的品牌有国家电网、腾讯、海尔、华为、青岛啤酒、中化、五粮液、中国国航。 |
NEW YORK, December 18, 2018 — World Brand Lab today released the 2018 edition of its World’s 500 Most Influential Brands list. Amazon, last year’s runner-up, beat out Google and Apple for the top spot. Amazon’s significant progress in artificial intelligence and big-data technology helped its third-quarter operating profit hit a 10-year high. Google, the second-place finisher, continued to win accolades for advanced technology, including its research on autonomous vehicles. Apple fell to third place. China, despite being the world’s second-largest economy, was represented by only 38 brands. Among the best-performing Chinese brands were State Grid, Tencent, Haier, Huawei, Tsingtao , Sinochem, WULIANGYE, and Air China. |
连续十五年发布的《世界品牌500强》(The World's 500 Most Influential Brands),其评判依据是品牌的世界影响力。所谓品牌影响力(Brand Influence),是指品牌开拓市场、占领市场并获得利润的能力。按照品牌影响力的三项关键指标,即市场占有率(Market Share)、品牌忠诚度(Brand Loyalty)和全球领导力(Global Leadership),世界品牌实验室对全球2万个知名品牌进行了评分,最终推出了世界最具影响力的500个品牌。 |
The list, published annually since 2004, tracks three key indicators: market share, brand loyalty and global leadership.Combined, they offer a proven measure of each brand’s ability to establish market presence, capture market share and generate profit. World Brand Lab launched the list after refining its methodology while tracking more than 20,000 brands worldwide. |
2018年《世界品牌500强》排行榜入选国家共计28个。从品牌数量的国家分布看,美国占据500强中的223席,继续保持世界品牌第一强国位置;欧洲传统强国法国和英国分别有43个和42个品牌上榜,分列二三位;日本、中国、德国、瑞士和意大利是品牌大国的第二阵营,分别有39个、38个、26个、21个和15个品牌入选。由此可见,即使欧洲经济低迷,但欧洲国家的超级品牌似乎依然坚挺。中国虽然有38个品牌入选,但相对于13亿人口大国和世界第二大经济体, 中国品牌显然还处于“第三世界”。 |
Despite an economic downturn in Europe and the US, brands from those regions seem to be holding firm. The US represents 223 out of the top 500 brands, retaining its position as the brand superpower. Traditional European leaders France and the UK rank second and third with 43 and 42 brands, respectively. Japan, China, Germany, Switzerland and Italy represent the second tier of brand powerhouses, with 39, 38, 26, 21 and 15 entries, respectively. |
今年《世界品牌500强》共覆盖了57个行业。其中,汽车与零件行业共有36个品牌入榜,排名继续保持第一; 传媒行业今年上榜了35个品牌,位居行业第二;食品与饮料行业继续下滑,以33个品牌退居第三;互联网行业继续保持上涨的势头,以25个品牌超过能源行业(23个)排名第四。零售(22个)以及计算机与通讯(20个)行业均有小幅上涨。在过去的一年中,全球互联网市场继续保持高速增幅,2017年底全球互联网用户接近38亿。但是互联网行业的发展并非一帆风顺,今年三月,美国脸书公司陷入数据泄漏丑闻,引发了全互联网行业公司的信任危机,消费者开始注意到保护数据隐私的重要性。 |
This year’s list covers 57 industries. The automobile industry ranks first with a total of 36 brands listed. The media sector, with 35 brands, ranks second; the food and beverage industry has suffered a decline and now ranks third, with 33 brands selected. The Internet sector, with 25 brands listed, overtakes energy (23) and now ranks fourth. Both the retail (22) and computer and communications (20) industries earned slightly greater representation this year. The global Internet market maintained its rapid growth. In 2018 the number of worldwide Internet users crossed the four billion mark, up from3.8 billion at the end of 2017. However, controversies such as Facebook’s data-privacy scandal damaged public trust among Internet brands. |
今年新上榜的品牌总计有32个,这些品牌分散于各个行业。其中,有10个品牌来自美国,其余来自于英国(5个)、法国(4个)、中国(3个)、意大利(2个)等。新上榜的品牌中,排名最高的瑞典品牌Spotify,尽管品牌年龄较为年轻,但是发展十分迅猛,全球月活跃用户超过1.7亿,其中付费用户达到了7000多万。荷兰缤客(Booking)、法国施耐德(Schneider)、英国葛兰素史克(GSK)等著名品牌也纷纷入榜。而中国新上榜的中国航天科工(CASIC)、恒力(Hengli)、台积电(TSMC)在各自领域成绩斐然,品牌的国际知名度得到不断提升。 |
32 brands are new to the list this year. These brands are scattered across various industries. Among the newcomers are 10 brands from the US, five from the UK, four from France, three from China, and two from Italy.Some of these newly listed brands are already well recognized regionally or worldwide. Spotify, for example, reached an average of more than 170 million users each month in 2018, including more than 70 million paid users. from the Netherlands, Schneider of France and GSK from the UK also made their debuts. Newcomers CASIC, Hengli and TSMC from China are all well known worldwide, showing improved brand awareness and performance in 2018. |
作为曾经的时装界销量霸主,GAP没有适应消费者需求的变化,销售额经历了连续的下滑,成为今年下滑最大的品牌输家。韩国现代汽车(Hyundai)受累于中小零部件企业的倒闭危机遭受了滑铁卢,直接跌落38个座次。全球领先的移动出行平台优步(Uber),违反竞争法及网约车集体恶性安全事件,其品牌价值大打折扣,排名继续下滑。玩具反斗城(Toys "R" Us) 因传统零售思维固化,难以跟上消费者行为和儿童娱乐方式的变化趋势,这家曾经的全球玩具零售巨头清算关店,最终落榜。 |
Some notable brands fared poorly in 2018.The fashion sales leader, GAP, has not successfully adapted to recent changes in consumer demand, and its ranking dropped from 190 to 243. Hyundai endured hits from vehicle recalls and weakened currencies in some of its most valuable markets; its ranking dropped from 71 to 109. Uber’s ranking also fell after the world's leading ridesharing company suffered a string of safety incidents and corporate scandals. Toys "R" Us, trapped in a traditional retail business model, has had difficulty keeping up with trends in consumer behavior and children's entertainment and fell completely out of the top 500 list after declaring bankruptcy. |
2018年度《世界品牌500强》的平均年龄达到100.14岁,相比去年的100.19岁略有下降。其中100岁及以上的“百年老牌”多达213个,美国以92个占比达到4成。英国的两所知名学府牛津、剑桥分别列为最古老品牌的前两名。学校的历史积淀是知识的沉淀感的最佳表象。除去拥有悠久历史的著名大学之外,法国的老牌公司圣戈班Saint Gobain(353岁)是企业界拥有最长历史的品牌。中国入选的38个品牌中只有茅台、青岛啤酒、五粮液、中国银行超越百龄。依行业来看,食品与饮料类品牌最古老,100岁以上的入选品牌占到了27个。 |
The average age of brands on the World’s500 Brands list in 2018 is100.14 years, down slightly from 100.19 last year. 213 listed brands are more than a century old. The US accounts for 92 centenarian brands, or 43% of the total. Oxford and Cambridge Universities are listed as the two oldest brands overall, while France’s Saint Gobain is the longest-running brand in the business world with 353 years in operation. Among the 38 brands selected from China, only Moutai, Tsingtao, WULIANGYE and Bank of China can boast more than 100 years in business.By industry, brands in the food and beverage industry are the oldest, with 27 selected brands over the age of 100. |
世界品牌实验室自 2003年开始就对世界50个国家的4万多个主流品牌进行跟踪研究,并建立了最大的世界品牌数据库。世界品牌实验室(World Brand Lab)是全球领先的品牌咨询、研究和测评机构,由1999年诺贝尔经济学奖得主罗伯特?蒙代尔教授(Robert Mundell)担任主席,全资附属于世界企业家集团(。世界品牌实验室致力于品牌估值、品牌战略、品牌命名、品牌设计、品牌保护,其专家和顾问来自哈佛大学、耶鲁大学、麻省理工学院、牛津大学、剑桥大学等世界一流学府,其研究成果已经成为许多企业并购过程中无形资产评估的重要依据。 |
World Brand Lab, the world’s leading brand-consulting and -research firm, is chaired by Professor Robert Mundell, 1999's Nobel laureate in economics. As a wholly owned subsidiary of the strategy-consulting company World Executive Group, World Brand Lab has tracked more than40,000 major brands in 50 countries since 2003and maintains a comprehensive World brand database. World Brand Lab’s research is used by companies worldwide to establish M&A valuation. Its annual list of the world’s 500 most influential brands is formally introduced at the annual World Executive Conference. |
编制说明: |
Notes: |
1. 本排行由世界品牌实验室(World Brand Lab)独家编制,评判依据是品牌的世界影响力。按照品牌影响力的三项关键指标,即市场占有率(Market Share)、品牌忠诚度(Brand Loyalty)和全球领导力(Global Leadership)。 |
1. This ranking list is exclusively compiled by World Brand Lab based on three indicators: Market Share, Brand Loyalty and Global Leadership. |
2. 合并后的联合品牌, 以合并前的品牌中的年长品牌为准,如路透社1850年成立,汤姆森集团 1953 成立,那么合并后的汤森路透的品牌年龄应从1850年算起。 |
2. The brand age of the joint brand after merger will be the older one before merger, for instance, Reuters was established in 1850 and Thomson Group was established in 1953, then the combined Thomson Reuters brand age should be from 1850 onwards. |
3. 被跨国兼并的品牌,以被兼并前的诞生地所在国家为“品牌国籍”;设立多国总部的品牌,以诞生地所在国家为“品牌国籍”。 |
3. A multinational-merger brand is located in the country where the company is located before merger; A brand with multinational headquarters is located in the country of origin |
4. 横跨多种行业的品牌,以收入最多的主营业务所在行业为准。 |
4. For a brand with variety of sub-sectors, sector category is selected based on the main business with most revenues |
5. 外国品牌的中文名称以中国大陆的约定俗成翻译为准,没有中文名称的外国品牌,世界品牌实验室将视情况进行翻译或不翻译。 |
5. The Chinese name of the foreign company is based on the translation in mainland China. The foreign brands without Chinese name shall be translated or untranslated according to specific situation |
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