世界品牌实验室发布2022年中国500最具价值品牌 |
国家电网、中国工商银行和海尔名列三甲,69个中国品牌的价值超过1000亿 |
World Brand Lab Released "China’s 500 Most Valuable Brands of 2022" |
State Grid, ICBC, and Haier are listed as the top three; 69 Chinese brands are valued at more than 100 billion RMB |
由世界品牌实验室(World Brand Lab)主办的(第十九届)“世界品牌大会”于7月26日在北京举行,会上发布了2022年《中国500最具价值品牌》分析报告。在这份基于财务数据、品牌强度和消费者行为分析的年度报告中,国家电网以6015.16亿元的品牌价值荣登本年度最具价值品牌榜首。占据榜单前五名的还有中国工商银行(5369.32亿元)、海尔(4739.65亿元)、腾讯(4572.36亿元)、中国人寿(4525.39亿元),这些品牌已经迈进世界级品牌阵营。来自哈佛、耶鲁、牛津、欧洲工商管理学院、伦敦大学学院的管理大师们出席了“世界品牌大会”并做在线演讲,围绕“气与势:如何重建品牌生态系统”的大会主题与现场嘉宾互动研讨。 |
The "2022 China's 500 Most Valuable Brands" list (19th edition), exclusively compiled by World Brand Lab, was released on July 26, 2022 in Beijing. In this annual report (based on financial data, brand strength, and consumer behavior analysis), State Grid topped the list of most valuable brands this year with a brand value of 601.52 billion RMB. Also occupying the top five on the list are Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (536.93 billion RMB), Haier (473.97 billion RMB), Tencent (457.24 billion RMB), and China Life (452.54 billion RMB). These brands have entered the world-class brand tier. Management gurus from Harvard, Yale, and Oxford attended the World Brand Conference and gave online speeches. They discussed the topic of Influence and Momentum: How to Rebuild the Brand Ecosystem with on-site guests. |
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2022年《中国500最具价值品牌》的总价值为309728.07亿元,比去年增加30774.87亿元,增加幅度为11.03%。世界品牌实验室学术委员会主席、牛津大学(Oxford)营销学荣誉教授斯蒂芬·沃格(Steve Woolgar)表示:“品牌是一个国家的形象,我希望世界上更多的人能够通过中国品牌了解中国的故事。在过去的17年中,我目睹了中国品牌的快速成长,有的已经具有强大的世界影响力,这些品牌包括国家电网、海尔、中化、华润、中国南方电网、中国华电、五粮液、青岛啤酒、北大荒、中国飞鹤、徐工、圣象、恒力集团、九牧集团、协鑫集团等。”世界品牌实验室编制中国品牌报告已是第19个年头,2004年入选门槛仅为5亿元,前500名品牌的平均价值为49.43亿元。19年以后的2022年,入选门槛已经提高到31.67亿元,而前500名品牌的平均价值高达619.46亿元,增加幅度为1153.21%。 |
In 2022, the total value of China's 500 Most Valuable Brands is 30,972.81 billion RMB, an increase of 3,077.49 billion RMB (11.03%) over last year. Steve Woolgar, Chairman of the World Brand Lab and Emeritus Professor of Marketing at University of Oxford, stated: "Brands are the image of a country. I hope that more people around the world can learn about China's stories through Chinese brands. In the past 16 years, I have witnessed the rapid growth of Chinese brands, some of which already have strong global influence. These brands include State Grid, Haier, Sinochem Group, China Resources, China Southern Power Grid, China Huadian Corporation, Wuliangye, Tsingtao Brewery, Beidahuang Group, XCMG, Hengli Group, Xiexin Group, etc." This is the 19th year that World Brand Lab has compiled a Chinese brand report. The entry threshold in 2004 was only 500 million RMB, while the average value of the top 500 brands was 4.94 billion RMB. In 2021, 19 years later, the entry threshold has increased to 3.17 billion RMB; the average value of the top 500 brands is over 61.95 billion RMB, an increase of 1,154.05%. |
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据世界品牌实验室分析,一个区域的竞争实力,主要取决于其比较优势,而品牌效益直接影响着地区比较优势的形成和发展。品牌是一个地区发展的重要标志,品牌带动区域经济的增长,区域经济的发展又促进当地品牌的成长。从本届《中国500最具价值品牌》区域分布来看,北京有86个品牌入选,名列第一,主要原因是赢利能力强的央企总部集中在北京;广东和山东分别有84个和46个品牌入选,位居第二和第三。根据入选品牌影响力范围大小,可按照全国性、世界性品牌进行划分。榜单中具有全国范围影响力的品牌有438个,占87.60%;具有世界性影响力的品牌数为62个,占12.40%,比去年略有增加。 |
According to the analysis by World Brand Lab, the competitive strength of a region depends mainly on its comparative advantages, and brand benefits directly affect the formation and development of the regional comparative advantages. Brand is an important symbol of the development of a region. Brand drives the growth of the regional economy, which promotes the growth of local brands. The regional distribution of "China's 500 Most Valuable Brands" this year ranks Beijing first with 86 brands selected, primarily because the headquarters of central enterprises with strong profitability are concentrated in Beijing; Guangdong and Shandong have 84 and 46 brands selected, respectively, ranking second and third. Brands on the list can be divided into national and global brands according to the scope of influence of these selected brands. There are 438 brands with national influence on the list, accounting for 87.60% of the 500 brands listed; likewise, there are 62 brands with global influence, accounting for 12.40% of the listed brands, which represents a slight increase from last year. |
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尽管新冠疫情没有阻挡中国品牌价值整体上升的趋势,但是与去年相比,航空、旅游服务、纺织服装、地产、零售等受疫情影响大的行业入榜品牌数量均出现下降,而汽车、通信电子IT、农业等行业入榜品牌均有不同程度增加。本年度《中国500最具价值品牌》排行榜中,共有来自食品饮料、轻工业、建材、传媒、纺织服装、医药、机械等在内的25个相关行业的品牌入选。其中食品饮料业依然是入选品牌最多的行业,共有84个品牌入选,占总入选品牌数的16.80%;入选数量位居第二到第五的行业分别是轻工(49个)、建材(38个)、传媒(34个)、通信电子IT(32个)。本年度共有69个中国品牌的价值超过1000亿,比去年增加了12个。 |
Although the pandemic did not stop the overall upward trend of Chinese brand value, the number of brands in industries such as aviation, travel services, textile and apparel, real estate, and retail has dropped significantly compared with last year, while industries with inelastic demand such as automobiles, chemical, and agriculture have increased to varying degrees. In this year's "China's 500 Most Valuable Brands" list, brands from a total of 25 industries – from food and beverage, light industry, building materials, media, textile and apparel, and medicine to machinery – were selected. Among them, the food and beverage industry is still the industry with the most selected brands. A total of 84 brands have been selected, accounting for 16.80% of the total number of selected brands. The industries ranked second to fifth are, in descending order, light industry (49), building materials (38), media (34), and information technology (32). A total of 69 Chinese brands were worth more than 100 billion yuan this year, whereas last year the number was 57. |
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今年的“世界品牌大会“主题是”气与势:如何重建品牌生态系统”。来自欧洲工商管理学院(INSEAD)营销学教授皮埃尔·尚登(Pierre Chandon)博士指出,品牌的影响力和势头在品牌建设中极为重要。品牌的良好势头可以让顾客将对品牌的好感从一个产品延续到下一个产品,从而让品牌能够长期保持活力。随着品牌以及营销手段的发展,建立一个品牌生态系统对品牌来说愈发关键。苹果和谷歌有着令人惊讶的发展,不仅是因为他们发布了大量的产品,更重要的是,他们是一个平台,平台上所有的品牌构建了平台的生态,他们可以从平台上所有这些品牌的销售中获益,最终提高自己的品牌价值。要建立一个有弹性的品牌生态系统,首先,品牌不应该承诺你不能兑现的东西;其次,要真实兑现你的品牌承诺;第三,在不背叛你的品牌形象及身份的情况下发展。 |
The topic for today's summit is "Influence and Momentum: How to Rebuild the Brand Ecosystem." Pierre Chandon, Professor of Marketing at the INSEAD, indicated that brand influence and momentum are important for branding. Brand momentum allows customers to carry over some of the goodwill from one product to the next and allows the brand to be resilient and continue to succeed year after year. With the development of the brand, as well as of the marketing, building a resilient brand ecosystem becomes more essential for brands. Google and Apple have had amazing growth in recent years, but not only because they create numerous products. Most importantly, they are platforms, and they can benefit from the sales of all these brands on their platforms and increase their own brand value. To build a resilient brand ecosystem, first of all, brands should not promise what they cannot deliver; second, they must be authentic and deliver the brand's promise; third, they must evolve without betraying the brand's identity. |
来自哈佛商学院(Harvard)营销学教授伊利·欧菲克(Elie Ofek)博士指出,品牌重塑的主要原因是环境变化,这种变化可能来自于消费者、竞争者、公司自身经营状况、合作伙伴以及市场环境等等。当这些改变发生时,品牌应做好对自身进行改造、重塑的准备。在进行品牌重塑过程中,最为关键的框架便是“(C)RED”模型。R代表着相关性,品牌重塑需要与变化情况构建联系,满足消费者与市场的新需求。E则代表着持久性,每一次品牌重塑都需要花费大量的时间与精力,因此品牌重塑后的持久能力较为重要。D则代表差异化,与众不同的品牌形象可以帮助品牌在竞争中脱颖而出。在此基础上,C则代表可信度,品牌需要通过实际行动取得消费者的信任与认可。因此,建立符合CRED模型的品牌更能提高对消费者的影响力,并创造良好发展势头。 |
A joint team from World Brand Lab and Superfinance identified an increasing correlation between brand value and ESG performance. Elie Ofek, a professor of marketing at the Harvard Business School, concluded that environmental factors, including the customers, competition, company, collaborators, and context keep changing. Brands must be ready to rebuild, remodel, and reimagine their position. The key building blocks are the "(C)RED" Framework, which stands for "Relevant, Enduring and Differentiated." "Relevant" suggests that the target market cares about the meaning and association of the brand; hence the brand image is relevant. "Enduring" requires that the brand image and significance are likely to stay relevant for customers over the long term. "Differentiated" can help brands stake out a brand that is unique, i.e., not occupied by the competition. As an adjunct to the RED model, "C" stands for "credible," which means that the brands must be authentic and believable in order to generate trust. Therefore, rebuilding a (C)RED brand helps to influence customers and grow momentum. |
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来自耶鲁大学(Yale)管理学院管理学教授莱维·多尔(Ravi Dhar)博士指出,通货膨胀正是目前全球经济体面临的主要难题,尤其是在欧美地区。在疫情和通胀剧增的背景下,一方面,消费者对市场的认知往往因为媒体报道的侧重不同而产生偏差;另一方面,消费者行为也发生着变化。首先,消费者会更有规划,减少不必要的支出。但同时,消费者也更加愿意尝试新产品,这对新品牌和成熟品牌来说都是良好的发展机遇。事实上,通胀期间消费并不一定会减少,消费者会根据自身的价值体系安排更多优先级更高的支出。其次,和“价高”相比,消费者对于“量少”的敏感性相对更低,品牌可以由此制定策略。另外,分期付款的支付方式在通胀期间也更加受欢迎。 |
Ravi Dhar, a professor of marketing at the Yale School of Management, noted that inflation is one of the challenges that global economies are facing today, especially in Europe and the US. In the context of COVID-era inflation, on the one hand, consumers' perceptions of the market can be biased by media coverage; on the other hand, consumer behaviors are also changing. First, consumers will spend more effort planning and thereby reduce impulse purchases. But at the same time, consumers are more willing to try new products, which is an excellent opportunity for both new and known brands. In fact, consumers will not necessarily spend less during inflation but will prioritize their spending in closer alignment with their value system. Second, brands can benefit from the fact that consumers are less sensitive to "smaller product sizes" than to "increased prices." Third, installment payments are more popular during inflationary periods. |
伦敦大学学院(UCL)组织和创新学教授马丁·奇达夫(Martin Kilduff)博士指出,在社会网络中,竞争关系本质是在争夺提供资源的盟友,以提高声誉。社会网络一方面类似管道,诸如信息、材料、员工等资源都在这管道中进行流通;另一方面,声誉又通过社会网络的棱镜效果才能够被察觉。但事实上,人们对关系网络的认知是有偏差的,人、品牌、组织之间的联系往往被人们忽略。因此,竞争对手会隐藏自己的知识联系,同时又会去努力了解别人的知识联系,以获得更多的信息共享优势,从而获得声誉的提升。这样的竞争关系有利于组织之间的竞争,但对于组织内部来说,隐藏信息不利于整体的知识共享。 |
Martin Kilduff, a professor of Organizations and Innovation at the University College London (UCL), stated that, in a social network, rivalry is essentially competing for allies that provide resources to enhance reputation. Social networks are pipes through which resources such as information, materials, and employees flow. Social networks are also prisms through which reputation is discerned. But in fact, people's perception of social networks is biased, and the connections between people, brands, and organizations are often distorted. Therefore, rivalry will hide its knowledge ties from others and at the same time seek knowledge ties with others to gain more advantages in information sharing and thus gain reputation enhancement. Such rivalry relationships are beneficial to the competition between organizations, but hiding information is detrimental to the overall knowledge sharing within organizations. |
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世界经理人集团和世界品牌实验室首席执行官丁海森说,品牌作为企业核心竞争力的集中体现,不仅是一种无形资产,更是一个复杂的生态系统。品牌生态系统,是指一个品牌如何通过其各种相互关联的产品和服务创造一个完美的全球产业链,从生产商、集成商到消费者,都能围绕一个品牌的理念和声誉而合作。面对不确定性的全球新冠疫情和地缘政治风险,中国品牌在出海过程中亟需打造一个良性的品牌生态系统。斯蒂芬·沃格(Steve Woolgar)教授最后总结到,最近10年来,中国制造在全球市场争夺中已经取得了骄人的成绩。然而中国品牌要抢占和巩固高端市场,必须打造世界级的品牌生态系统,让利益相关者在各个场景下参与中国品牌建设。 |
Haisen Ding, CEO of World Executive Group and World Brand Lab, has remarked that brand, as the centralized embodiment of a company's core competitiveness, is not only an intangible asset, but also a complex ecosystem. A brand ecosystem is how a brand creates a perfect global chain through its various interrelated products and services, from producers and integrators to consumers, all working together around a brand's philosophy and reputation. In the face of the uncertain global COVID epidemic and geopolitical risks, Chinese brands urgently need to create a virtuous brand ecosystem in the process of globalization. Professor Steve Woolgar, Chairman of the World Brand Lab, concluded that over the last 10 years, Chinese manufacturing has made impressive achievements in global market competition. However, in order to capture and consolidate the high-end market, Chinese brands must create a world-class brand ecosystem that engages stakeholders in all scenarios of Chinese brand building. |
世界品牌实验室(World Brand Lab)是一家国际化的品牌价值研究机构,全资附属于世界领先的数字技术和战略咨询公司——世界经理人集团,由1999年诺贝尔经济学奖得主罗伯特·蒙代尔(Robert Mundell)教授倡议创建并担任首任主席。世界品牌实验室的专家和顾问来自哈佛大学、耶鲁大学、麻省理工学院、哥伦比亚大学、牛津大学、剑桥大学、欧洲工商管理学院等世界顶级学府,其研究成果已经成为许多企业并购过程中无形资产评估的重要依据。连续十九年发布的《中国500最具价值品牌》,采用“收益现值法”对品牌价值进行测评。这是基于经济适用法,综合了消费者研究、竞争分析以及对企业未来收入的预测。 |
World Brand Lab is an international brand value research institute wholly owned by World Executive Group, the world's leading digital technology and strategy consulting firm. World Brand Lab was co-founded on the initiative of Nobel Laureate Robert Mundell, who served as its first chairman. The experts and consultants of World Brand Lab hail from Harvard University, Yale University, MIT, Columbia University, University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, INSEAD, and other top universities around the world. Its research results have become an important basis for intangible asset valuation in the process of M&A of many enterprises. The "China's 500 Most Valuable Brands" list, which has been published for 18 consecutive years, uses the present earning value method to measure brand value. The method is based on the economic approach that integrates consumer research, competitive analysis, and projections of future revenues. |
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