世界品牌实验室发布2020年中国500最具价值品牌 |
国家电网、工商银行和海尔名列三甲,53个中国品牌的价值超过1000亿 |
World Brand Lab Released “China’s 500 Most Valuable Brands of 2020” |
State Grid, ICBC and Haier are listed as the top three, where 53 Chinese brands have been valued at more than 100 billion RMB |
由世界品牌实验室(World Brand Lab)主办的(第十七届)“世界品牌大会”于8月5日在北京举行,会上发布了2020年《中国500最具价值品牌》分析报告。在这份基于财务数据、品牌强度和消费者行为分析的年度报告中,国家电网以5036.87亿元的品牌价值荣登本年度最具价值品牌榜首。占据榜单前五名的还有工商银行(4505.82亿元)、海尔(4286.52亿元)、腾讯(4215.49亿元)、中国人寿(4158.61亿元),这些品牌已经迈进世界级品牌阵营。来自哈佛、牛津、剑桥和欧洲工商管理学院的管理大师们出席了“世界品牌大会”并做在线演讲,围绕“全球疫情下的品牌如何逆势成长”的大会主题,和现场嘉宾互动研讨。 |
World Brand Lab released the “China's 500 Most Valuable Brands of 2020” list at the World Brand Summit which was held in Beijing on the 5th of August. The analysis report of the list was released at the meeting. In the annual report, which is based on financial analysis, brand strength and consumer behavior, State Grid tops the list with a brand value of 503.69 billion RMB. Other four brands in the top 5 are ICBC(450.58 billion RMB), Haier (428.65billion RMB), Tencent (421.55 billion RMB) and China Life (415.86 billion RMB). The above brands have all developed into world-class brands. Management experts from Harvard University, University of Oxford, University of Cambridge and INSEAD attended the World Brand Summit and also gave online speeches. They discussed the topic of “Bucking in the Trend: How Brands Can Grow in the Face of the Global Pandemic” through an interactive session with the guests |
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2020年度《中国500最具价值品牌》的总价值为246920.58亿元,比去年增加28210.25亿元,增加幅度为12.90%。世界品牌实验室主席、诺贝尔经济学奖得主罗伯特·蒙代尔教授(Robert Mundell)说, 如果绘制世界制造业的版图,从产值角度来说,中国制造(4万亿美元)约等于美国制造(2.3万亿美元)、日本制造(1万亿美元)和德国制造(8000亿美元)的总和。但是中国品牌的成长并没有跟上中国制造的步伐。尽管如此, 中国品牌的成功还是有目共睹的。世界品牌实验室编制中国品牌报告已是第17个年头,2004年入选门槛仅为5亿元,前500名品牌的平均价值为49.43亿元。17年以后的2020年,入选门槛已经提高到27.16亿元;而前500名品牌的平均价值高达493.84亿元,增加幅度为899.07%。 |
The total value of brands on the “China's 500 Most Valuable Brands 2020” list reached 24692.06 billion RMB, which indicated an increase of 2821.03 billion RMB or 12.90% from the previous year. Professor Robert Mundell, Chairman of the World Brand Lab and Nobel Prize winner in Economics, said that for the world's manufacturing industry, the output value of China (4 trillion USD) is approximately equal to the total value of the United States (2.3 trillion USD), Japan (1 trillion USD) and Germany (800 billion USD). However, the growth of Chinese brands has not kept pace with the development of Chinese manufacturing. Nevertheless, the success of Chinese brands is known worldwide. This is the 17th year that the World Brand Lab has compiled the report on Chinese brands. In 2004, the threshold was only 500 million RMB and the average value of the top 500 brands was 4.94 billion RMB. In 2020, 17 years later, the threshold has grown to 2.72 billion RMB, and the average value of the top 500 brands is as high as 49.38billion RMB, which indicates an increase of 899.07%. |
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据世界品牌实验室分析,一个区域的竞争实力,主要取决于其比较优势,而品牌效益直接影响着地区比较优势的形成和发展。品牌是一个地区发展的重要标志,品牌带动区域经济的增长,区域经济的发展又促进当地品牌的成长。从本届《中国500最具价值品牌》区域分布来看,北京有93个品牌入选,名列第一,主要原因是赢利能力强的央企总部集中在北京;广东和山东分别有90个和44个品牌入选,位居第二和第三。根据入选品牌影响力范围大小,按照世界性、全国性和区域性对品牌进行划分。榜单中具有全国范围影响力的品牌有435个,占87.00%;具有世界性影响力的品牌数为55个,占11.00%,比去年略有增加。 |
According to the analysis of the World Brand Lab, the competitive strength of a region mainly depends on its comparative advantages, where brand effectiveness directly affects the formation and development of the regional comparative advantages. Brand is an important symbol of the development of a region and drives the growth of the regional economy. In return, the development of the regional economy can promote the growth of the regional brand. From the regional distribution of the top 500 brands in 2020, Beijing with 93 brands selected, ranks first. The main reason being that the headquarters of central enterprises with strong profitability are concentrated in Beijing. Guangdong and Shandong with 90 and 44 brands selected, rank second and third respectively. Depending on the scope of influence, these brands are separated into three groups: global, national and regional. The list includes435 brands with national influence that account for 87%, along with 55 brands with global influence that account for 11%, which is a slight increase from last year. |
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尽管新冠疫情没有阻挡中国品牌价值整体上升的趋势,但是与去年相比,服装、汽车、旅游、媒体等受疫情影响大的行业入榜品牌数量明显下降,而食品饮料、金融、机械等“刚需“行业入榜品牌均有不同程度增加。本年度《中国500最具价值品牌》排行榜中,共有来自食品饮料、轻工业、建材、传媒、纺织服装、医药、机械等在内的27个相关行业的品牌入选。其中食品饮料业依然是入选品牌最多的行业,共有85个品牌入选,占总入选品牌数的17.00%。入选数量位居第二到第五的行业分别是轻工(50个)、建材(39个)、传媒(35个)、纺织服装(31个)。本年度共有53个中国品牌的价值超过1000亿,比去年增加了6个。 |
Although the COVID-19 pandemic did not stop the overall upward trend of values of Chinese brands, in comparison with the numbers of the previous year, the numbers of selected brands have significantly dropped in industries that have been heavily affected by the pandemic, such as clothing, automobiles, tourism and media. The numbers of selected brands in the staple industry, such as food, beverages, finance and machinery have increased in varying degrees. In this year's brand list, a total of 27 related industries have been covered, including food and beverage, the light industry, construction materials, media, textiles and apparel, medicine, machinery, etc. Among them, the food and beverage industry still accounts for the largest number of selected brands with a total of 85 brands, which represents 16.80% of the overall selection. The industries that rank second to fifth are the light industry (50), construction materials (39), media (35), and textiles and apparel (31). This year, there are 53 Chinese brands worth more than 100 billion RMB, with an addition of 6 brands from last year. |
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今年的“世界品牌大会”主题是“全球疫情下的品牌如何逆势成长”。来自美国哈佛大学(Harvard)商学院教授约翰·戴腾( John Deighton)博士指出,从流感大流行中得到的第一个教训是,敏捷性比以往都重要。如果一个品牌拥有最新的信息,那么敏捷性就更容易了,因此,不仅仅是数据,有洞察力的市场调查变得更为重要。特别是,自下而上的信息被证明是无价的;第二个教训是改变品牌与消费者的沟通方式。人们没有安全感,他们需要的是具体、有用的信息,而不是轻松幽默或缺乏同情心;第三,营销必须反馈给高层领导团队的其他成员。 |
Since this year's topic for World Brand Summit was "Bucking in the Trend: How Brands Can Grow in the Face of the Global Pandemic", Dr. John Deighton, a professor of business administration at the Harvard Business School, pointed out that the first learning from the pandemic has been that agility matters more than ever. Additionally, agility is easier if a brand has up-to-date information and hence, insightful market research, not just data, is turning out to be a vital factor. In particular, bottom-up information is proving to be invaluable. The second learning is to change the way brands interact to consumers. They must not be light or humorous or lacking in empathy, since people are insecure. They want specific and helpful information to satisfy their needs. Third, marketing must feed back to the rest of the senior leadership team. |
来自英国剑桥大学(Cambridge) 制造业研究院教授斯蒂芬·埃文斯(Steve Evans)博士指出,新冠病毒造成了巨大破坏,但更频繁、更大规模的破坏很可能成为常态。企业必须找到一条变得有弹性的道路——做大做强。对中国品牌,我想提醒三点:第一, 不能仅靠规模增长,规模增长并不能使企业变得强大;其次,幸福感的增长变得非常重要;第三,在复杂的国际经济环境里,信任将成为未来十年最重要的商业词汇;最后,要加快提高创新能力,作为后疫情时代弹性计划的一部分。 |
Dr. Steve Evans, a professor of Industrial Sustainability at the Institute for Manufacturing at the University of Cambridge, pointed out that with the great disruption caused by the coronavirus, more frequent and large disruptions are likely to become normal. Businesses must find a path to become resilient—big and strong. For Chinese brands, Dr. Steve Evans offered some suggestions. Firstly, growth in size alone will not make a business strong. Secondly, growth in well-being is becoming important. Thirdly, trust will become the most important business word of the next decade. Lastly, companies should accelerate their experiments and improve their ability to innovate as part of their resilience plan. |
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来自英国牛津大学(Oxford)赛德商学院教授斯蒂芬·沃格(Steve Woolgar)博士指出,在新冠病毒大流行的情况下进行品牌传播, 我认为,品牌现在能做的最有意义的事情之一就是关注两种品质:乐于助人和同理心。此外,品牌是关系的基础,不仅是公司与客户之间的关系,还包括客户群体和网络之间的关系。所谓客户,我们指的是实际的和潜在的客户,观察者,评论员,专家,政治家等等。研究表明,最成功的品牌分担着这个庞大的社会群体潜在客户的担忧和焦虑。 |
Dr. Steve Woolgar, a professor of marketing at the Sa?d Business School of the University of Oxford, pointed out that in terms of brand communication in the context of the pandemic, one of the most meaningful things that brands can do now is to focus on two qualities: helpfulness and empathy. However of particular significance, brands form the basis of relationships, not just between the company and its customers, but between groups and networks of customers themselves. Here, by customers we mean both actual and potential customers, observers, commentators, experts, politicians and so on. Research shows that the most successful brands play to the concerns and anxieties of this large societal collective of potential customers. |
来自法国欧洲工商管理学院(Insead)教授齐夫·卡门(Ziv Carmon)博士指出,新冠大流行造成了前所未有的经济后果——许多公司损失惨重,有的甚至破产。然而,有的品牌却能在这场危机中蓬勃发展。除了运气的作用,危机期间成功的关键是深度客户中心化。特别是,品牌必须确定客户的核心痛点,那些给客户带来不便或烦恼的反复出现的问题,了解客户的潜在心理,并制定有效的方法来消除这些问题。虽然这种以客户为中心的做法总是很重要,但重大危机会凸显客户的敏感度。 |
Dr. Ziv Carmon, a professor of marketing at INSEAD, pointed out that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused unprecedented economic fall out—many firms have lost fortunes, some were even pushed to bankruptcy. However, other firms have managed to flourish during this crisis. Beyond luck—being at the right place at the right time— the key to success during this crisis has been deep customer centricity. In particular, brands must identify central customer pain points—recurring problems that inconvenience or annoy customers, understand the underlying customer psychology and devise effective approaches to eliminate those issues. While such customer centricity is always important, major crises accentuate customer sensitivities. |
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世界经理人集团和世界品牌实验室首席执行官丁海森说,本次全球疫情还没有结束, 但消费行为却已发生了重大变化。第一, 对成熟品牌来说,消费者在危机期间更愿意尝试新品牌和新产品;第二, 消费者对品牌的要求比以前更高,更倾向于购买环境、社会和治理(ESG)得分高的品牌,对安全、体验和舒适度越来越感兴趣;第三,新冠疫情迫使大部分消费者放弃了自己的消费信仰,从买菜到运动到社交都发生重大变化,企业家和经理人要顺应这个潮流,及时做出品牌战略调整。 |
Haisen Ding, CEO of World Executive Group and World Brand Lab, stated that consumer behavior has undergone major changes, although the global pandemic is not over yet. First, for mature brands, consumers are more willing to try new brands and new products during the crisis. Second, consumers have higher requirements for brands than before. They are more inclined to buy brands with better ESG performances and are more interested in safety, experience and comfort. Third, the pandemic has forced most consumers to abandon their consumer beliefs and to change their behaviors in areas from grocery shopping to sports to social interaction. Entrepreneurs and executives should follow these trends and make timely adjustments to brand strategy. |
世界品牌实验室(World Brand Lab)是一家国际化的品牌价值研究机构,全资附属于世界领先的战略咨询和商业传播公司—世界经理人集团,由1999年诺贝尔经济学奖得主Robert Mundell教授担任主席。世界品牌实验室的专家和顾问来自美国哈佛大学、耶鲁大学、麻省理工学院、英国牛津大学、剑桥大学、欧洲工商管理学院等世界顶级学府,其研究成果已经成为许多企业并购过程中无形资产评估的重要依据。连续十七年发布的《中国500最具价值品牌》,采用“收益现值法”对品牌价值进行测评。这是基于经济适用法,综合了消费者研究、竞争分析以及对企业未来收入的预测。 |
The world's leading consultant of brand valuation and marketing strategy, the World Brand Lab, wholly owned by leading strategic consulting and business communication company—World Executive Group. Professor Robert Mundell, the winner of the 1999 Nobel Prize in Economics, serves as the Chairman of World Brand Lab. Over the past 17 years, the World Brand Lab has sought to help foreign brands enter China and simultaneously help the globalization of Chinese brands. Over 150,000 companies use its dynamic database. World Brand Lab's research findings have been applied by many enterprises as important references for intangible asset evaluation in mergers and acquisitions processes. The "China's 500 Most Valuable Brands" list has been released for 17 consecutive years and adopts the approach of showcasing the present value of earnings to evaluate brand values. The method is based on the method of economic applications, which combines consumer research, competitive analysis and forecasts of the company's future income. |